
1. 一个人的名字有个权怎麽用英文表达 您好, 如果是在做自我介绍或介绍他人, 比如说此人名叫张权, 英文翻译即为 Zhang, Quan 或 Quan Zhang, 那您可以这麽介绍:His name is Quan Zhang. Zhang is his family name, Quan is his first name, and Quan itself in Chinese means authority, rights, and powers.或简易一点:His name is Quan Zhang. Quan in Chinese has the meanings of authority, rights, and powers.当然如果此人名字是两个字, 权只是其中一个, 那麽介绍内容可以改动成: Part of his name, Quan, means authority, rights, and powers in Chinese.或Part of his name, Quan, has has the meanings of authority, rights, and powers 。

