
1. 如何写response 1、第一段对故事或文章简要概述The first paragraph in a reader's response paper is a short summary of the story.State the name of the story,the author,and the lesson being taught,in the topic sentence.For example,the topic sentence in a reader's response paper for "Ruby the Copycat" would read -- "Ruby the Copycat," by Peggy Rathman,teaches an important lesson about individuality." Also,in the first paragraph,introduce the other elements of the story -- characters,setting,conflict and resolution.Give enough information so the reader obtains a sense of the story and is enticed to read on.2 现实生活中类似的冲突或问题Explain the conflict,or problem,in the story.Use direct quotes and examples from the text to explain the conflict.Make a connection to the problem in the story by describing an anecdote from your life or by connecting the problem to another story,movie,or real life event.For instance,you might feel the same way the character feels because you have been in the same situation.Explain what happened to you to make the reader more interested.Sponsored LinksFree submit articlesTwoSubmission is Easy,Fast,Fun,Free Create free backlinks,traffic backarticlestwo.appspot.com3 说出这个故事想要表达的主题State the theme,the life lesson that the story explains,in the first sentence of the third paragraph.Use evidence from the story to explain the theme.Explain how the characters are used to show the theme by using direct quotes from the story and examples of their actions that support the theme.4 我们得到的启示State the resolution to the story explaining how the problem was resolved and what the characters learned.Make a statement about the theme and how it relates to your life.For example,"Like the lessons learned by the character,I。
" Write an anecdote about how you have learned that same lesson during a time in your life by making a personal connection to the story 。
2. 请问这条response.write 语句应该怎么写 原因是这样的 , string.Format中 , 用{0:格式0}、{1:格式1}、{2:格式2}。{n:格式n}来表示需要被格式化的内容 , 而你的字符串里面恰好用到了花括号 , 像“{return true;}” 。
你的语句中 , 其实不需要进行格式替换 , 所以可以把string.Fomat函数去掉:
Response.Write("<a onclick=\'{if(confirm(\"您确定到网易吗?\")){return true;}return false;}\' href=>;网易");
或者 , 你修改一下javascript , 使其不出现“{}”
Response.Write("<a onclick=\'javascript:if(confirm(\"您确定到网易吗?\")) return true; else return false;\' href=''>;网易</a>");
附带一个建议:Response.Write会写入页面的最上方 , 所以可能不是你要的结果 。所以建议使用asp控件完成同样的工作 。asp控件有onClientClick属性(.net Framework 2.0)
3. 叙述 Response的Write两种写法的区别和注意事项 Write 方法将指定的字符串写到当前的 HTTP 输出 。
【response怎么写】Response.Write variant
需要写的数据 。该参数可以是任何 Visual Basic Scripting Edition 的 VARIANT 数据类型 , 包括字符、字符串和整数 。该值不能包括字符组合 %> , 如果需要 , 可用转义序列 %\>代替 。Web 服务器在处理脚本时 , 将转换这一转义序列 。
BinaryWrite 方法不经任何字符转换就将指定的信息写到 HTTP 输出 。该方法用于写非字符串信息(如客户端应用程序所需的二进制数据) 。
Response.BinaryWrite data
写到 HTTP 输出的数据 。
如果有一个产生字节数组的对象 , 就如下调用 BinaryWrite 将这些生成的字节发送给客户端应用程序 。