
1. 住在城市和郊区 作文200 Country Life Versus City Life Summary: Compares living in the country vs. living in the city. Considers how the two different types of living differ. Concludes that the country lifestyle is much better and relaxed than city lifestyle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The country lifestyle is much better and relaxed than city lifestyle. These two different types of livings have a lot in differences; the job market, the environment and even the people are where most of these differences could be found. The job market in the country is smaller than the job markets that could be found in the cities.In the country people have their farm and even their own stores but in the cities people are mostly working for companies operated or even owned by a bigger company. Also in the country people are more open in exchanging goods and services in return for such and in the cities it is only the money that makes everything possible. Peace of mind also comes free in the country simply because there is less to worry and stress about. The environment in the country is by far beyond comparison with the cities, there are less pollution, fewer factories and less noise in the country; where as the cities are filled with cars and factories which are the essential reasons to noise and pollution. At last but not least the people living the different lifestyles in both cities and the country have a huge difference. The people n the country are less stressed and more happy simply because there is less items in their mind and life to deal with and they also tend to be more friendly towards others, but the people in the city have a lots to deal with and it sometimes gets over their shoulders and this causes them to be more on their guard and sometimes hurt others. It is with proving of the reasons above shown very clearly that the country lifestyle is much better than the city lifestyle. But than again it is a choice made by people based on their personality and their way of life where they would like to settle and live. 。
2. 郊区的英语作文50词 Different people have different views on city and suburb.Some people like city ,they view that the city is ecnomical and shopping.Others they have the other points.
More and more peoples move to the cities in recent years.But I like suburb more than city.In my opinion,city is noisy and the traffic is heavy.However,suburb is clean,quiet and beautiful.So,I like living in the suburb.
不同的人们对于城市和郊区有着不同的看法,一些人喜欢城市,他们认为城市经济化,商品化 。其他一些人则有则其他的看法 。
近些年来,越来越多的人搬进了城市 。但是相比较城市而言,我更加喜欢郊区多一些 。在我看来,城市很喧闹,交通拥挤 。然而,郊区却很干净、安静而且美丽 。所以,我喜欢住在郊区 。
3. 描写乡村的写事作文该怎么写 假日里,老师带着我们去城市郊区的农村,参观农村田园风光 。
小荷作文网 ,你也可以投稿 很快就来到了农村,从远处看,可以看见在远处被云雾笼罩着的龙首山,像一条巨龙,在天空中自由自在的飞翔着,像一头雄狮睡在那有云有雾的仙境之中,还像一个个美丽的仙女从天而降,在看农村里的美丽风光 。小荷作文网 ,你也可以投稿 真是有山皆图画,无水不文章,让我不由得想起一句诗,远上寒山石径斜,白云深处有人家 。
走近了,脚下的小草,像绿色的地毯,然而又绿的不一样,有墨绿,有深绿,有翠绿,……像绿的海洋,微风吹来,绿波荡漾,农家的麦田是一望无际的,田边的野花,像一个朴素的花环,给本来就美丽无比的田野,镶一串美丽的花环,使田野更加美丽 。油菜花黄了,在密密的田野里加了一点新亮的鲜色 。
还不停点头,不停的摇动着,好像是在欢迎我们到来,果树摇曳着它那又绿又肥大的叶子,柳树甩着那又长又绿的长发,花儿的清香引来了那翩翩起舞、五彩缤纷的蝴蝶,还能听见正在采蜜的小蜜蜂“嗡嗡”的叫声 。看那条条水渠,像彩带似的把无边无际的田野,划分成像棋盘似的小方块 。