
1. 用英语写小豆芽成长日记 大家好!我是可爱的小豆芽,我只有半个手掌那么大,白色的茎,微黄的两片小豆瓣 。你们想知道我的生长过程吗?请看吧!
9月16日 星期六 天气:晴
我呢!是被小小的绿豆泡发出来的,今天,当我的前生―绿豆被泡到水里后,起初,它安份守己地呆在那儿,一动不动,贪婪地喝着那清甜的水 。
9月17日 星期日 天气:晴
绿豆吃饱喝足后,肚子就圆鼓起来,像孕妇一般 。过了一会儿,它那绿色的“衣服”在也抵挡不住我的力量,我用力地往外挤,“衣服”裂开了一道小缝,我探出了白色的小脑袋,呼吸着新鲜的空气,偷偷地看了看外面的世界,和先前那个黑暗而郁闷的世界相比,真是天差地别啊!
【英语绿豆怎么写】9月20日 星期三 天气:晴
几天来,我活动活动了筋骨,踢腿、弯腰……越长越结实,悄悄地,我抽出了嫩黄色的小芽 。我就是用着不起眼的小芽,把营养输送到全身 。
9月24日 星期日 天气:晴
两日不见,我已是大约两厘米高的“小姑娘”了 。有了粗壮的茎,分离开的两片豆瓣,活像一个跳着芭蕾舞的小姑娘,可爱极了 。跳着,跳着,我终于长大了!这就是我,小豆芽,可爱而又顽强小豆芽 。
2. 用英语写一篇种绿豆的日记,不用太长,日记的时间可以跳跃(如: I've been a member of SOSO Asking. It's my pleasure to help net friends solve problems. Of course, I hope that net friends can also give me a hand in time.
这样吧,根据你的需求从里面挑一些简单的句子就好了 。还是要自己动动脑子的哦!I dig a hole on the opening and put the mung beans about into the hole. Next water the mung beans in the hole. After the water seeped into the soil, cover the hole with soil. Some mung beans sprouted a little from the soil. They were light green. But, the other hadn't. In order to keep the water enough, water them properly. All the mung beans budded, and the former were bigger and stronger than the later. And the former had been leafing. Meanwhile, some water was needed so that they could continually grow. mung beans 是绿豆 其他的词我觉得你们应该是认识或者学过的 I dig a hole on the opening and put the mung beans into the hole. Next water the mung beans in the hole. After the water seeped into the soil, cover the hole with soil. 先在空地上挖个坑,然后把绿豆放进去,再浇水 。水渗入土壤后,把坑填平 。After a few days, some mung beans sprouted a little from the soil. They were light green. But, the other hadn't. In order to keep the water enough, water them properly.几天后,有几粒绿豆发芽了,是浅绿色的 。不过,还有没有发芽 。为了保持充足的水分,还有适当浇些水 。All the mung beans budded, and the former were bigger and stronger than the later. And the former had been leafing. Meanwhile, some water was needed so that they could continually grow.所有的绿豆都发芽了,而先发芽的的后发芽的长的长得更大更壮 。先发芽的都长出了叶子 。这个时候,还是需要浇水,以保证它们继续生长 。