1. 帮忙写一篇种植大豆的英语作文哈 First we should put some rich soil in a big pot or we can bring some soil from a field and then mix it with some powder, which is made from fish, blood and bones. Then put some seeds in it. The seeds should be big and round, chosen from the best seed heads. Besides, the seeds should not be too shallow or too deep in the soil, two or three centimetres in general.
Se: You should put the pot in a warm place. Water it every now and then. After a few days the young plants will come out. Be sure to keep the pot wet enough. When they are about three or four inches tall, put less water so that the roots of the young plants can grow deeper. Thus you'll have big and strong plants.
Sf: During the growing period of the plants you should put fertilizer twice or third in the soil. At last in the autumn you'll get in a big harvest of soy-beans. What's more, we should put up the seeds whenever possible. Good seeds, rich soil, plenty of sun light and enough water are necessary
thirdly,we should put the pot in a warm place. Water it every now and then. After a few days the young plants will come out. Be sure to keep the pot wet enough. When they are about three or four inches tall, put less water so that the roots of the young plants can grow deeper. Thus we'll have big and strong plants. During the growing period of the plants we should put fertilizer twice or third in the soil. At last in the autumn we'll get in a big harvest of soy-beans. What's more, we should put up the seeds whenever possible. Good seeds, rich soil, plenty of sun light and enough water are necessary
2. 用5个英语句子写作文:大豆的生长过程 The Growing Bean
When there is enough water,proper temperature,a seed of bean would come out.First,the small roots appear and grow down the soil.Second,young bean begins to come out and grow,till turns green.Third,main roots,other roots and leaves appear and grow.After several months,the flowers come out and then the gains.
3. 写出20个食物的英语的单词写上中文 1、noodle 面条
noodle是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和不及物动词,可以翻译为面条、傻子,等等 。
例句:They cut,slice,pull and even use a chopstick to create different noodle shapes.
为了做出形状各异的面条,师傅们采用了切、削和擀的手法,有时甚至还会用上一根筷子 。
2、rice 大米
有稻;米饭;把…捣成米糊状的意思 。
例句:Most of the Asians live on rice.
大多数亚洲人以大米为主食 。
3、dumpling 饺子
汤团,饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人; [用于爱称]宝贝 。
Well, I had beef, a bowl of rice and dumpling.
恩,我吃牛肉,一碗米饭和饺子 。
4、egg 鸡蛋
egg是一个英文单词,中文翻译为鸡蛋;卵;卵细胞;【口】(通常用形容词修饰)人,家伙 。复数:eggs;第三人称单数:eggs;过去式:egged过去分词:egged现在分词:egging 。
Eggs are 99 cents a dozen.
鸡蛋九十九美分一打 。
5、wheat 小麦
6、coconut 椰子
椰子(学名:Cocos nucifera L. )棕榈科椰子属植物,植株高大,乔木状,高15-30米,茎粗壮,有环状叶痕,基部增粗,常有簇生小根 。叶柄粗壮,花序腋生,果卵球状或近球形,果腔含有胚乳(即“果肉”或种仁),胚和汁液(椰子水),花果期主要在秋季 。
7、corn 玉米
玉米(拉丁学名:Zea mays L.)是禾本科玉蜀黍属一年生草本植物 。别名:玉蜀黍、棒子、包谷、包米、包粟、玉茭、苞米、珍珠米、苞芦、大芦粟,东北辽宁话称珍珠粒,潮州话称薏米仁,粤语称为粟米,闽南语称作番麦 。
番茄,即西红柿(学名:Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.),是管状花目、茄科、番茄属的一种一年生或多年生草本植物,体高0.6-2米,全体生粘质腺毛,有强烈气味,茎易倒伏,叶羽状复叶或羽状深裂,花序总梗长2-5厘米,常3-7朵花,花萼辐状,花冠辐状,浆果扁球状或近球状,肉质而多汁液,种子黄色,花果期夏秋季 。