
1. 孙悟空用英语怎么说 就是:Sun Wukong
西游记:Journey to the West
花果山:Mountain of Flower and Fruit
水帘洞:Water Curtain Cave
南天门:Southern Gate of Heaven
灵霄殿:Hall of Miraculous Mist
离恨天:Thirty-Third Heaven
兜率宫:Tushita Palace
丹房:Elixir Pill Room
蟠桃园:Peach Garden
蟠桃胜会:Peach Banquet
瑶池:Jade Pool
御马监:heavenly stables
龙宫:Dragon Palace
美猴王:Handsome Monkey King
孙悟空:Sun Wukong
弼马温:Protector of the Horse
齐天大圣:Great Sage Equalling Heaven
大闹天宫:Havoc in Heaven
2. 西游记,用英语怎么说 西游记的英文翻译是Journey to the West 。
词汇分析音标:['d???n? tu? ei: west] 释义:西游记;西纪行 短语Journey to the West Y 西游记 The Journey To The West 西游记 ; 布道后的幻象 Journey to the West RomanceII 西游奇缘II佛祖舍利 Journey to the West Border 西域行 Journey to the West Roman 西游奇缘 拓展双语例句1、The story of "Journey to the West" is so popular in China that it has become part of the repertoire of Chinese operas, TV series and comic books. 《西游记》的故事在中国十分流行,它已经被改编成了各类中国戏剧、电视剧和漫画书等 。2、In the summer vacation, I read the four famous works, let me feel most of the "journey to the West". 在暑假里,我读了四大名著,让我最有感触的是《西游记》 。
3、By reading Journey to the West , let us understand that a tenacious spirit. 通过阅读西游记,让我们了解到了一种顽强拼搏的精神 。4、Journey to the West tells us: those who have the background of the monsters have been picked up, those who have no background and killed by a stick. 西游记告诉我们:凡是有后台的妖怪都被接走了,凡是没后台的都被一棒子打死了 。
5、Do you think the ginseng fruit described in the journey to the West actually exists in the world? 你认为《西游记》中描述的的人参果在世间真的存在吗? 。
3. 描写孙悟空的英语作文 Wu Kong has many positive aspects to his personality. For one, Wu Kong is a confident, optimistic person. He doesn't just go down when he faces hardships, he devises ways to overcome them, putting a smile on his face even when he has been defeated numerous times. Wu Kong is also a very intelligent immortal. He puts emphasis on knowing his enemies and using different strategies to defeat them. And Wu Kong is a master at that - finding out his opponent's weakness and using it. Anyway, he can ask for reinforcements virtually everywhere. His outgoing, friendly personality and his notorious reputation makes sure of that! Wu Kong shows no mercy when it comes to evil - he eliminates all the demons the pilgrims meet on their journey. He has a strong sense of justice and during the journey, he helps out humans who face problems caused by demons, reuniting families and saving entire countries. But best of all, he has a wicked sense of humour. Poking fun at Ba Jie is just part of it.
In short, Sun Wu Kong symbolises hope and justice.
4. 英语作文描述孙悟空的样子带中文翻译 The monkey king is very handsome, very justice, protect Tang's monk scriptures, demon slayer, do not love beauty, only love master, nice and cool. I like him very much, he is a hero, respected孙悟空很帅,很正义,保护唐僧取经,斩妖除魔,不爱美女,只爱师傅,好爽,我很喜欢他,他是一位英雄,令人尊敬 。
5. 《西游记》用英文怎么说 中文名:《西游记》
外文名:Journey to the West
《西游记》是中国古代第一部浪漫主义长篇神魔小说 。该书以“唐僧取经”这一历史事件为蓝本,通过作者的艺术加工,深刻地描绘了当时的社会现实 。主要描写了孙悟空出世,后遇见了唐僧、猪八戒和沙和尚三人,一路降妖伏魔,保护唐僧西行取经,经历了九九八十一难,终于到达西天见到如来佛祖,最终五圣成真的故事 。