
1. "微波炉"用英语怎么拼写 微波炉: 1. microwave oven2. micro-wave oven预先调节好微波炉Preset a microwave oven.磁控管一种微波管 , 它里面的发热阴极发出的电子受到磁场和电场的影响 , 从而产生能用于雷达和微波炉微波辐射A microwave tube in which electrons generated from a heated cathode are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation used in radar and in microwave ovens.这个饼不是很热的 , 你再用微波炉加热一会好吗?The pie is not very hot. Can you microwave it a bit more?碗橱里有一台微波炉 。
There is a microwave over inside of the closet.用微波炉烹调或加热(食物)To cook or heat(food)in a microwave oven.看着微波炉里烤白薯都比这有趣 。Watching a potato bake in a microwave is more exciting.把饼放进微波炉中加热两分钟 。
Put the pie in the microwave for two minutes to heat it yap.在使用微波炉前要先看看它的使用说明 。You must go over the instructions of how it works before you use the micro - wave oven 。
2. 微波炉上的英文具体的意思及其操作方法 按照你列出的顺序翻译如下:
defrost by weight: 按重量化冻
defrost by time:按时间化冻
auto menu: 自动菜单
stop clear:停止、清除
start express:快速启动
补充回答:你的问题也是够刁钻的 , 微波炉不在我的面前 , 我也只能给你大而化之的答复了 。
按重量化冻和按时间化冻:应该是微波炉上那个能扭动的东东朝左扭 , 再按对应的按钮 , 就是按时间化冻;那个东东朝右扭 , 再按对应的按钮 , 就是按重量化冻
自动菜单:功能应该是调整微波炉的一些基本设置 , 与手机或者办公室的打印扫描一体机的类似功能相近
快速启动:按照预先的设置直接启动微波炉 , 而不需要再次设置 。
再次重申 , 只是理论上的解释 , 必须跟实物结合操作才行 。没有实物在我面前 , 我也不能确保以上解答完全准确 。不过微波炉毕竟不是什么高精尖的科技产品 , 胆大心细的试试 , 不会有什么问题 。祝一切顺利!
3. 用英语短文介绍微波炉小学生 DearXX: Microwave oven (microwave's boiling/microwave), just as its name implies, is to use microwave to cook cook. Microwave oven is one kind of modernization with microwave oven cooking food. Microwave is a kind of electromagnetic waves. Microwave magnetrons, by power, control circuit and cooking chamber components. The power to provide magnetrons roughly 4,000 fu high pressure, magnetrons in power, continuously produce microwave excitation, and then after waveguide system, coupled to cook lumen. In cooking chamber at the entrance of a rotating, near the blender, because the blender is the wind fanlike metal, after it is spinning in all directions to microwave has the reflection, so can the microwave energy evenly distributed in cooking lumen. Microwave power range is generally 500 ~ 1000 watts. Thus heating food. Best wishes.
Date(用英语写日期) 微波炉(microwave oven/microwave) , 顾名思义 , 就是用微波来煮饭烧菜的 。微波炉是一种用微波加热食品的现代化烹调灶具 。微波是一种电磁波 。微波炉由电源 , 磁控管 , 控制电路和烹调腔等部分组成 。电源向磁控管提供大约4000伏高压 , 磁控管在电源激励下 , 连续产生微波 , 再经过波导系统 , 耦合到烹调腔内 。在烹调腔的进口处附近 , 有一个可旋转的搅拌器 , 因为搅拌器是风扇状的金属 , 旋转起来以后对微波具有各个方向的反射 , 所以能够把微波能量均匀地分布在烹调腔内 。微波炉的功率范围一般为500~1000瓦 。从而加热食物 。