
1. 向别人提建议的英语作文怎么写 Directions: Your friend Lucy asked you for some information about successful interview. Write a letter of no less than 100 words to give her some advice. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Wang Hua" instead. Do not write the address. Dear Lucy, You asked me for some advice on how to prepare for a successful interview and I will try to offer some useful suggestions 。
First of all, find out all the information you can about the company before you go to the interview. Secondly, practice your answers to common questions and make a list of questions to ask, too. It will make you feel more confident and relaxed. Thirdly, try to make the best impression: dress appropriately, sell your strengths, arrive early, be enthusiastic, shake hands firmly, be an active listener, sit up straight and maintain eye contact. Finally, do not forget to say "thank you" after the interview 。I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. Good Luck! 。
2. 英语作文 建议信 Dear **,
I hear that you want to learn dancing while your parents don't agree with you .However ,I don't think this is a big difficulty .You can have a heartest talk with them ,telling them that you can persisit on studying hard and dancing is just an interest in your free time .You can become more athletic ,happier and healthier through the acitivity.The daily life will be more colorful,and at the same time ,you can get well with some new friends .It will be an important experience in your memory 。
3. 观点建议类的英语作文怎么写 When girls gossip about the couple, they always believe in the constellation, they treat it as an important standard to measure whether the couple will be suitable for each other. I don't believe in constellation, I doubt it deeply, because people's emotion can't be decided by the constellation.
当女孩们八卦情侣的时候,她们总是相信星座,把星座当作很重要的标准,以此来衡量一对情侣是否彼此合适 。我不相信星座,对星座深深怀疑,因为人们的情感是不可能由星座来决定的 。
The people who believe in the constellation think that their characters are described by it, when they read it, they find what the constellation says is completely conforming to their characters. As people so believe in it that they do as what the constellation suggests, such as what they should wear today and what kind of boyfriend they should choose.
那些相信星座的人认为他们的性格在星座上有被描述出来,当他们读到时,发现星座讲的和他们的性格完全吻合 。人们如此的相信星座以至于他们按照星座所建议的去做,比如他们今天该穿什么和他们该选怎么样的男朋友 。
I don't believe in constellation, first, there are 12 constellations, which means there are 12 characters. We are told that there are no two same men in the world, which means every person has his own character, and then it is not conformed to the constellation. Second, if we read what every constellation says, we may find it describes the good and bad side of the character, people will naturally choose to believe the good side in their mind. So that's why people think the constellation is right.
我不相信星座,第一,总共有十二个星座,这意味着有十二种性格 。我们被告知过世界上没有完全相同的两个人,这意味着每个人都有自己的性格,这和星座所描述的不吻合 。第二,如果我们读到星座所讲的,就会发现星座有描述好的和不好的性格,人们很自然地就会选择相信好的 。这就是人们为什么相信星座 。
We should believe in the science, constellation is just a funny thing, we should not judge people accord to it.
我们应该相信科学,星座只是用来玩玩的,我们不应该根据星座来判断一个人 。
4. 英语提建议作文 .We'd better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study. To develop interest in English study is not very hard. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others' interpreters. Plans are always very essential, so we must make some elaborate and workable plans before study. And we should certainly carry out these plans to the letterNotes should be made whenever we study any book. We may follow this advice: Don't read book without making notes. As we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory. Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and concise. Watching English movies, English TV programs, listening to English songs and learn English on some special occasions are also excellent and vivid English learning ways as we may combine English with some certain scenes to deepen our memory. Never just memorize single English words. Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words. 。