
1. 烧伤作文【绷带怎么写】 呜呜呜!今天怎么这么倒霉啊!帮朋友做人工虎魄的时候,松香爆炸了,幸好她躲到了我的身后,要不连她也会有烫伤 。
只是我烧伤了,而她没有 。我到了医院一检查才知道,有一块是3级烧伤 。
疼是固然的,更让我心疼的是爸爸妈妈 。他们看到我这样很难过,这种滋味是要比烧伤还要难受N倍的事情 。
我不想看见我喜欢的人伤心难过,尤其是为了我而难过 。我的伤2个月之内就能好了,现在受伤缠着绷带,而且我的作业我还一字未动 。
幸好作业留的不多,要不就我这样这可怎么写 。绷带啊!绷带!我恨死你拉!有了绷带的约束,干什么都慢了一拍,并且要是手的动作幅度大了一点就会疼 。
我也终于尝到了当年茜的滋味,她当年手也出过意外 。我不知道去了学校以后会怎么样,我原先有一个同桌也是发生过意外 。
他的手绑着绷带,而且脸上也有一些痕迹,到了学校那叫一个正宗的尴尬 。同学的嘲笑与歧视,他那段时光天天都在感受这样的生活 。
不知道我的命运会怎么样,我好担心 。幸好手的关节没有大碍,只是伤到了表皮 。
什么事都要乐观,我要带着微笑面对这件事 。这个惨痛的教训,我会永远的记住 。
烧伤疼归疼,也让我体验了另一种滋味 。去学校是让我最担心的,我不知道我会怎么样的尴尬,只有自求多福了 。
我相信我的伤一定会很快好的!一定会很快好的 。
2. 乘客刀血护士绷带写一篇英语作文 I am a student in a middle school now.Everyone in my class has a dream,including me. My dream is to be a nurse because I think nurse is a great job . People call nuses "angles wearing white" and nurses may help doctors rescure people. What's more being a nurse can be respected by many people. As a nurse, I can help the ill person and make them healthy. I think nurses are kind and helpful so I will be a good nurse in the future. From now on I must study hard. I do believe my dream will come true 。
3. 【标题;Theimportanceofdoingsmallthingsbeforeundertakingsomethi描 在下面的图中,我们可以看到一个人被一条绷带缠绕.绷带上写有外语补习,电脑培训,化学,数学补课,钢琴班.在他的脚下放着兵兵球和球拍、橄榄球等.他看起来很愁苦.在图的下方,写有“松松绑”三个字.在我看来,这图片的内容反映了当前社会的一种现象-----许多父母为了给孩子更好的前途,费尽心思让孩子去读各种“班”,而没有考虑过孩子的感受和压力.这是非常不明智的行为.父母教育孩子应当注意劳逸结合,既要能帮助孩子,也要适当为孩子放松.只有这样,才能培养出一个优秀的孩子.最后,我希望天下父母都能为自己的子女而感到自豪.In the following pictures,we can see a person by a bandage.Bandage is written on Foreign Language Center,computer training,chemical,Mathematics classes,piano classes.At his feet playing table tennis,football and tennis racket and so on.He looks so sad.At the bottom of the diagram,is written "Loosely tied" three words.In my opinion,the content of the picture reflects a phenomenon-------- many parents in order to give children a better future,try to let the children to read all kinds of "class",without considering the child's feelings and pressure.It is very unwise behavior.Parents educate their children should pay attention to work and rest,not only can help children,also need to be appropriate for children to relax.Only in this way,in order to cultivate a good child.Finally,I wish all the parents have for their children are proud . 。

