求职信英语开头怎么写( 四 )

公司的人一般都很忙 , 没功夫象衙门里的人那样搞“空对空”的东西 。能用3个词说清楚的事情 , 不要用4、5个词 。
Keep it short and sweet – 简短、中听 。四、信中专门提到Molecular Medicine 和 Bioanalysis , 那估计这2门课对这个工作比较重要 。
如果你这两门课学得不错的话 , 理当把自己的优秀成绩(或者有意义的实验报告等)专门提一下 , 以示能胜任这个工作 。五、招聘方的经理看来是洋人 , 否则不必用英文写此信 。
洋人未必对中国的英语考级制度太熟悉 , 在6级证书上着太多笔墨 , 未必合适 。更何况如今中国考下了6级英语的人遍地都是 , 你有6级又如何?所以应该拉开自己与6级证书的距离 , 以显示自己英语实际应用水平之优秀、远在6级之上 。
此外 , 对这份工作而言 , 语言只是工具 , 不是技术专长 。如果自己的英语应用能力确实如原信中提到的那样扎实 , 那还不如自告奋勇 , 邀请对方在网上或电话上先聊几句 , 让对方知道自己的英语实力 。
而且 , 一旦对方真的打电话来 , 那就已经表明他们很有兴趣了 , 你与他们直接通话 , 也更便于推销自己 。六、信的抬头 , 最好不要说“致启者” 。
5. 英语求职信应该怎么写 dear sir,
i have learned from china daily that your company is looking for a secretary who is fluent in english i would like to apply for the post.
my name is fu tao and i''''m 25,i''''ve been working as an english guide since i graduated from the english department of zhejiang university four years ago.i am hard working and i have learned to operate computer and i can type both in english and chinese.i seek a position more challenging and with more opportunities than my current one.i think i am fit for the post.
should you entertain my application favorably,i would spare no efforts to acquit myself to your satisfaction.
yours truly,
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing to you because I am very intreseted in the secretary job you offered. That is the job i am seeking.
I am (年龄) years' old. I have got a (bachelor本科生master研究生 Phd博士 degree)in(某某university) .I major in (专业). I feel that I am competent to meet your requirements. During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed (CET-4,CET-6), but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is also good.
I have lots of hobbies, for example,( drawing, doing sports and singing). Then, I would like to say something about my character, I'm( open and active, always have new ideas).
I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.
With many thanks,
括号内的是需要你填写个人信息的 。
6. 英语专业求职信 开头的地址怎么写 Block Form
Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)
Name of Receiver
Company Name
Dear __________:
When writing a letter using block form, no lines are indented. Include your name, address, and phone number where you can be contacted, as well as the date. You then include the name and address of the person you are sending the letter to.
With new paragraphs, just skip a line instead of indenting.
Add your phone number where you can be contacted in the last paragraph. If the receiver needs to use a relay service to call you, briefly explain that you are deaf/ hard-of-hearing and that s/he can call you through relay. Give the receiver his/her state relay number and explain that s/he will need to give the operator your number. Then give him/her your number. Click here for a list of state relay numbers.