议论怎么写英语作文( 三 )

1) 开头段的作用
2) 写开头段时考生应该避免的若干问题
① 开头偏离主题太远;
② 使用抱歉或埋怨之词句;
③ 内容不具体,言之无物;
④ 使用不言自明的陈述.
3) 开头段的使用方法
① 使用引语
② 使用具体详实的数字或数据
③ 提出问题
④ 给出背景
⑤ 定义法
⑥ 主题句法
8. 议论类英语作文 Do "Lucky Numbers" Really Bring Good Luck?______________________________________________One possible version: Some people think certain numbers may bring good luck to them. These numbers include "6,8,9" and so on. Therefore, when they want to choose a car number or a phone number, they buy the number which ends with these lucky numbers at a high price. In my opinion, success and luck have nothing to do with such so-called lucky numbers. The only key to success or wealth lies in hard work and persistence. If we are too dependent on the lucky numbers, we may become lazy or even discouraged when they proved to be useless. We should believe in ourselves and make great efforts to struggle for success as well as wealth. 。
9. 求英语议论性作文 最好可以5篇~ 谢谢 80字就ok了~ On OpportunityOnce someone said:"Opportunity is something that you'll never see if you are not ready,but something that comes in handy if you are prepared.".True enough.It also reveals to some extent the attitude with which people face opportunity:some as ready as ever,some as ignorant as ever.There are people who have made a success out of a single opportunity because they are always prepared and are ready to take on any opportunity that fate throws at their faces.Bill Gates is one such example.When facing a godsend oppportunity to revolutionise the computer industry,he did not hesistate and quit Harvard to set up his own business,an action considered crazy by most people at that time.But who would realise that when they were criticising his stupidity,Bill Gates had quietly paved the way to success?On the other hand,there are some people who are,as the saying goes,"sleeping when fortune knocks on the door".Such people surely cannot expect to make a fortune overnight.When there is a new opportunity,the brave seize it and develop a future out of it,while the timid stand and stare.The latter end up with a life filled with routine and few expectations.For me,I personally believe that there is no risk that is too great to take,but there is also the mindset that you need to have in order to brace new opportunities.People admire Bill Gates because they know that they themselves would not dare to take the same course of action if they were presented with such an unsure opportunity.This just shows the most general attitude towards opportunity--it's a good thing,but may not be worth the risk to take.I agree.I like hearing stories about how people rocket to stardom or success by seizing upon chance but deep inside I know that I would never master the courage to do the same.However,I am different from some people in the sense that while I don't dare to take the opportunity,I do not blame myself for not trying after someone else has made a fortune out of it.I know myself and I respect my decision.After all,the brave are only few among us.We,as ordinary people,are happy to live with what we have.给你个模板一、篇章连贯:可以通过文章内容的内在联系来表现篇章的连贯性 。