
1. 梦想的家英文作文带翻译 Mu happy family
I want to have a happiness family. My home is in space. There is a very beautiful place. I with my family live in a house . It isn't too big. But there have 3 bedroom,a livingroom,a chicken,a dining room and a balcony.The rooms are cleaning.I have my room.
我想拥有一个幸福的家庭 。我的家在空间 。有一个非常美丽的地方 。我和我的家人住在一所房子里 。它不是太大 。但有3个卧室,一个客厅,一个鸡,一个餐厅和一个阳台 。房间清洁我的房间 。
Balcony is my favourite,because I can do my homework , read books ,talk with my friend there. I really happy .
阳台是我最喜欢的,因为我可以做我的家庭作业,看书,和我的朋友聊天 。我真的很高兴 。
2. 英语作文《梦想的家》怎么写 my ideal home
i always have a dream that one day i could have my ideal house lived by my dear parents and I.the home needn't to be very luxury but it should be very warm and comfortable most importantlly.the house is surrounded by all kinds of flowers and nearby there are lots of green hills with bueatiful butterflies and big trees. in such a perfect home ,i live a very happy life with my father and my mother.
3. 英语作文《梦想的家》怎么写 my ideal homei always have a dream that one day i could have my ideal house lived by my dear parents and I.the home needn't to be very luxury but it should be very warm and comfortable most importantlly.the house is surrounded by all kinds of flowers and nearby there are lots of green hills with bueatiful butterflies and big trees. in such a perfect home ,i live a very happy life with my father and my mother 。
4. 我梦想的家,英文作文,不少于,80词数 Mu happy family
I want to have a happiness family. My home is in space. There is a very beautiful place. I with my family live in a house . It isn't too big. But there have 3 bedroom,a livingroom,a chicken,a dining room and a balcony.The rooms are cleaning.I have my room.
Balcony is my favourite,because I can do my homework , read books ,talk with my friend there. I really happy .
5. 【"梦想家园"用英语怎么说】 dream country 或 dream house 翻译提示:梦幻家园的翻译分两种感觉的翻译,一是指自己的小家园,家庭的感觉,可以用dream house 二是指虚拟的心目中理想的家园,是一种意境的家园,实际不存在的,例如:1.梦幻家园(小屋) dream little house 2.你并不是真正渴望另一个家园.你渴望的是你内心中没有或还未找到的东西 You don't really long for another country.You long for something in yourself that you don't have,or haven't been able to find 翻译点评:视你需要而定,看到底指那样的家园,共同切磋!翻译出意境来!相关连接:我曾经回答过一个类似的翻译,其实是一样的韵味; 。

