
1. 用我的劳累生活写一篇英语作文初一 1Do you like take a vacation?Yes,I like it.I think the good place for me to take a vacation is Hawaii.It is a beautiful city.It has beaches.And the water there is very clean.I can swim there.I hear there are many people there.They go there to relax.And they take many photos there.When I go there,I must take my camera,and take many photos.I can show them to my classmates.Year,I can't wait.2 This yea孩弧粉旧莠搅疯些弗氓r's summer vacation was most enjoyable.I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside,where I saw mountains fields covered with green plants.Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village,the water in which was quite clear.I kept a diary every day.Besides doing farm work,I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons.All of them showed interest in English.They could read write wellthey could hardly understand simple English.So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening spoken English.They all made great progress.Their parents all thought highly of me.I now realize that knowledge is very needed in the countryside. 。
2. 劳累嘚累英语怎么写 tired: [ 'tai?d ] a. 疲劳的 , 累的Examples:1. I'm so tired I could sleep for a whole day. 我真是累极了 , 简直可以睡上一整天 。
2. I'm tired of his complaints. 我听腻了他的抱怨 。3. The film had a rather tired plot. 那电影的情节是老掉牙的 。
4. I am not in the least tired. 我一点也不疲倦 。5. I was too tired to walk any further. 我累得再也走不动了 。
3. 非常辛苦英语怎写 It's incredibly gratifying, although very labor-intensive 。
It was a very long race and I trained very, very hard for fit, and take great pains.
这的确是非常令人满足的 , 虽然也很辛苦labor-intensive
back-breaking 这是高级词汇
那真是个很长的比赛 , 为了适应 , 我训练得非常非常辛苦 。
Well some of them work very hard you know.
公司所有的员工都这样没日没夜地干活 , 非常辛苦 。
All employees in the company work day and night
4. 累的英语单词怎么拼 累 [lèi] 形容词(疲劳) tired; fatigued; weary:tired out with too much exertion;累乏tired out; exhausted; worn out累极了动词1. (使疲劳; 使劳累) tire out; wear out:knock out;累得筋疲力尽be tired out (to death);累得要死2. (操劳) work hard; toil:work oneself too much;累过度了You've been working hard all day. You need a rest.你累了一天 ,  该休息了 。
累(累) [léi] 动词1. (捆绑) tie; bind; truss up2. (雄畜与雌畜交配) copulate名词1. (绳索) rope; cord2. (交配期的公牛) bull in mating season3. (姓氏) a surname:Lei Hu累虎累(累) [lěi] 动词1. (积累) accumulate; pile up; lay on top of another:hazardous a 。累 [lèi] 形容词(疲劳) tired; fatigued; weary:tired out with too much exertion;累乏tired out; exhausted; worn out累极了动词1. (使疲劳; 使劳累) tire out; wear out:knock out;累得筋疲力尽be tired out (to death);累得要死2. (操劳) work hard; toil:work oneself too much;累过度了You've been working hard all day. You need a rest.你累了一天 ,  该休息了 。
累(累) [léi] 动词1. (捆绑) tie; bind; truss up2. (雄畜与雌畜交配) copulate名词1. (绳索) rope; cord2. (交配期的公牛) bull in mating season3. (姓氏) a surname:Lei Hu累虎累(累) [lěi] 动词1. (积累) accumulate; pile up; lay on top of another:hazardous and precarious like piling up eggs;势如累卵accumulate day by day and month by month;日积月累2. (牵连) involve; implicate:get sb. into trouble; implicate拖累3. (用砖、石等砌或筑) build by piling up bricks, stones, earth, etc.形容词(屡次; 连续) repeated; continuous; running:long and tedious writings;连篇累牍happily gather for several days running;欢聚累日名词(姓氏) a surname:Lei Shun累顺 。