1. 翻译成英文:他对待我很粗暴 The way he treats his boyfriend: send photos, call him, watch movie, send text message, attend meeting, back home togther, buy clothes.
The way he treats me: refuse to add my QQ as friend, didn't answer my call, kick me, ask his colleague to have date with me, call my names, inform the guard to stop me out of the house, use my address and name to call 911, attack me, and send me to the psychiatric hospital; he did all the worst things to me.
2. 粗暴意思 词目:粗暴 英文:Rude 拼音:cūbào 词义: 态度粗暴 极其粗暴的抨击,暴力 反义词 :温和 温柔 近义词 :粗鲁 暴躁 详细释义[rude;savage] 鲁莽暴躁 粗暴态度 极其粗暴的抨击 鲁莽;暴躁. 《北史·刘藻传》:“ 秦 人恃险,率多粗暴,或拒课输,或害吏长.”《新唐书·裴胄传》:“是时武臣多粗暴庸人,待宾介不以礼,少失意,则以罪中伤之.”《警世通言·苏知县罗衫再合》:“ 赵三 为人粗暴.” 茅盾 《秋收》一:“他铁青了脸,粗暴地叫骂道:‘什么希罕!光景是做强盗抢来的罢!”巨人的花园;“一天,巨人回来了,他看见孩子们在他的花园里玩,粗暴的把他们赶跑了.” 。