
1. 寻人启事英语作文 寻人启事:她的名字叫金利 , 她有大大的眼睛 , 圆圆的脸 , 棕色的头发;上身穿的是一件橙色的羊毛衫 , 下身穿的是白色的裤子 , 黄色的皮鞋 。
寻人启事英文范文Lost Notice ,Her name is Jinli.She has big eyes,round face and brown hair.She is in a orange wool sweater , white pants and yellow shoes.寻人启事:她的名字叫金利 , 她有大大的眼睛 , 圆圆的脸 , 棕色的头发;上身穿的是一件橙色的羊毛衫 , 下身穿的是白色的裤子 , 黄色的皮鞋 。作文地带提示:寻人启事是比较少见的一类考试范文 , 大家可以做个参考就成 , 不必太深究 , 请您参考作文地带提供其他范文 。
2. 英语寻人启事怎么写 Boy Missing
Diudiu, male 12 years old, has been missing. He is XXX(medium-build), has XXX(short dark hair), XXX(small eyes with glasses and round face). He was wearing a XXX(white T-shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers) that day.
If you have information regarding his whereabout, please contact Mr.XXX at 2222252
注:XXX是你要填的信息 , 括号中的是例子 , 仅供参考 。
3. 哪里有用英文写的寻人启事的范文 寻人启事英文版经典范文这也是我在读《福尔摩斯侦探集》时整理的 , 写得很地道 , 可以作为寻人启事的范文或做翻译的模板 , 本打算把它翻译一下 , 但是怕翻的不好贻笑大方 , 有兴趣的人可以翻译一下!Missing [it said] on the morning of the 14th, a gentleman named Hosemer Angel.About five feet seven iches in height;strongly built, sallow complexion, black hair, a little bald in the centre, bushy, black side-whiskers and moustache;tinted glasses, slight infirmity of speech.Was dressed, when lasted seen, in black frock-coat faced with silk, black waistcoat, gold Albert chain, and gray Harris tweed trousers, with brown gaiters over elastic-sided boots.Known to have been employed in an office in Leadenhall Street.Anybody bringing any information of him will be rewarded 20 dollars.From "A Case of Identity" of "The Complete Classic Series of Sherlock Holmes" 。
4. 英语寻人启事怎么写 Boy Missing Diudiu, male 12 years old, has been missing. He is XXX(medium-build), has XXX(short dark hair), XXX(small eyes with glasses and round face). He was wearing a XXX(white T-shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers) that day. If you have information regarding his whereabout, please contact Mr.XXX at 2222252 注:XXX是你要填的信息 , 括号中的是例子 , 仅供参考 。
5. 英文的寻人启事的格式是怎么样子的 以下是个例子:
Person Lost
It's on July 1st that a girl named XXX was missing.
XXX is a girl who has big eyes, a tall nose and golden hair.
XXX was wearing a blue T-shirt and a jean when was last seen.
Whomever find the girl that matches the description please contact us.As a reward, we'll pay $140.Thanks for your help.
TEL :(+86)234343xxxxxxx
E-mail:[email protected]
在7月1日 , 一个叫XXX的女孩走失 。
发现符合以上描述女孩的人 , 请与我们联系 , 作为回报 , 我们会奖励160美元 , 谢谢您的帮助!!
电话 :(+86)234343xxxxxxx
E-mail:[email protected]
6. 用英语写寻人启事 Mike was lost in the street on January 8Mike;boy,11-year-old,Medium height,short black hair,Small round face,small eyes and wear glasses,Wearing a white T shirt,blue jeans,wearing black sport shoes,if you know please contact Mr Smith 。