
1. 花花公子 英语怎么表达【花花公子英文怎么写】 最常见的表达是 playboy====== 一些不常见的表达 beau; coxcomb; dandy; green about town; lounge lizard; nut; popinjay; toff---------- 在具体语言环境里 1. His immaculate appearance gave him the nickname of "The Dude" among some. 他那一尘不染的外表 , 使他在有些人之中赢得了“花花公子”的浑名 。
2. I am sick of London, and of balls, and of young dandies with their chintips, and of the insolent great ladies. 我对伦敦厌恶透了 , 它那些舞会 , 那些花花公子 。他们的甜言蜜语 , 以及那些傲慢的高贵夫人 。
3. Tom has Been given the laBel of "playBoy" By his friends. 汤姆被他的朋友们称为"花花公子" 4. With an uncanny knack for generating mystique, he created icons from Playboy cufflinks, to the bunny costumes worn by hostesses in the Playboy Clubs to his black jet, the Big Bunny, his pipe and redsatin smoking jackets. 凭着制造神秘的超人本领 , 他创造了花花公子的种种标志性东西:花花公子衬衫袖口链扣 , 花花公子俱乐部女招待穿的“兔女郎”套装 , 他那架黑色的私人飞机“兔老大” , 他的烟斗和红缎子腰部系带宽松家居服 。5. The fact is (today) that women around the world have embraced the Playboy bunny as a symbol of empowerment and sexual freedom. “(当今)的现实是 , 全世界的妇女已接受《花花公子》的‘兔女郎’作为赋予权力和性自由的象征 。”
6. I did not conceive Playboy as a sex magazine. “我认为《花花公子》不是一本性杂志 。

