
1. 关于书法家的故事(中英文对照) “草圣”张旭 唐朝文宗皇帝曾向全国发出了一道罕见的诏书:李白的诗歌、张旭的草书、斐旻的剑舞可成为天下的“三绝” 。
"Cao Sheng," Zhang Xu Tang Dynasty Emperor Wen-tsung, the country had issued a rare edict: Li Bai's poems, Zhang Xu's cursive, Fei Min sword dance could become the world's "Ruin." 诏书一到洛阳城,顿时轰动了那些饱学之士 。Edict one to Luoyang City, suddenly a sensation of those knowledgeable people. 他们纷纷向张旭道喜,庆贺他以卓绝的努力夺得了最高奖誉 。
They have to Xu Daoxi to celebrate the extraordinary efforts he won the highest award reputation. 张旭作揖一一致谢,并设宴款待洛阳名流 。Xu Zuo Yi 11 thanks, and a banquet Luoyang celebrities. 席上,有人提议张旭谈谈草书到“绝”的秘诀,张旭推辞不过,谦虚的说:“各位见笑了,我自知浅陋,皇上奖掖,收之有愧 。
说到秘诀,无非在'用心'两字 。” Gallery, it was suggested to talk about the cursive Xu to "never" the secret Zhang Xu said no, however, modesty, saying: "you laughed, and I knew that shallow, the Emperor incentives, to close deserve. Speaking of secrets, nothing in the 'heart' word. " 张旭沉吟片刻,他油然想起杜少陵曾写的《观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行》一诗,便说:“少陵曾对公孙大娘的剑器舞写过一首诗,其中四句'烈如羿射九日落,矫如群帝骖龙翔;来如雷霆收震怒,罢如江海凝清光',想必诸位是知道的 。
在邺县,我有幸见过公孙大娘的舞姿,每次看时,都引起我的联想:她将左手挥过去,我就立即触到这次姿态像个什么字;他跳跃起来旋转,我想草书中的'使转'笔锋的驰骋应如此罢!他那整个起舞的姿态音容,给我一个全面的草书结构的启发 。” Xu After thinking a moment, he spontaneously remembered Du Shaoling had written "Watching the Kung-sun aunt disciples sword device of" one poem, he said: "shaoling device had the sword dance Gongsun aunt wrote a poem, in which four 'lie If Yi shot down on the 9th, such as the group of Emperor Can Jiao Lung; to income, such as Thunder rage, strike, such as condensate Jianghai pure light ', presumably of you are aware of. In Ye County, I was fortunate to have seen Gongsun aunt's dance, every time to see , they all caught my thoughts: she will be waving his left hand the past, I immediately touched the attitude like what the characters; he jumps up to rotate, I would like to cursive in the 'to turn' Bifeng the gallop should be so strike! his faces and voices of the entire dance posture, give me a full cursive structure inspired. " 皇帝练字 唐太宗李世民是我国封建社会的一位帝王,他常常在处理政事的空闲时间里,潜心练习书法 。
Emperor Tang Taizong Li Shimin calligraphy is an emperor of China's feudal society, he often dealing with political affairs idle time, devote themselves to practice calligraphy. 当时,被誉为初唐四大书法家之一的虞世南就在宫中任职,由于他精通古今,文章书法下笔如神,因而唐太宗一向很尊敬他,也经常临摹学习虞世南的书法 。At that time, known as the Tang Dynasty, one of the four calligrapher Yu Shinan worked in the palace, because He is fluent in ancient and modern, articles, calligraphy, write like a god, so Emperor Taizong has always respected him, and often copied to learn Yu Shinan calligraphy. 在练习书法的过程中,唐太宗深深感到虞世南字体中“戈”字最难写,不容易写出其中的神采 。
In practice calligraphy in the process of Yu Shinan Emperor Taizong deeply feel the font of "Ge" the hardest character to write is not easy to write them spirited. 有一次,他练习“戬”,因怕写不好有失体面,免得各位大臣看它的笑话,于是便故意将“戈”字空着不写,而私下请虞世南代为填补 。On one occasion, he was practicing "Jian", for fear of writing bad unbecoming, lest you minister to look at its jokes, so they deliberately, "Ge" empty words do not write, but Yu Shinan and on behalf of a private request to fill. 唐太宗为了显示自己在书法方面有所进步,便拿着几幅作品请谏议大夫魏征观看,并征求魏征的意见说:“你看朕的字是否像虞世南学士的字?”魏征恭恭敬敬地仔细看了一遍,始终含笑不语 。