
1. 早餐的英文怎么写 1)breakfast【英 [?brekf?st] 美 [?brekf?st] 】 【释义】 n.早餐 , 早饭;早餐食物vi.吃早餐vt.供给…早餐【例句】 What's for breakfast? 早餐吃什么?2)dejeuner【英 [d?'??n?] 美 [d?'??n?] 】 【释义】n.早餐 , 午餐 【例句】 For dejeuner, they had dry bread and tea. 他们早餐吃了无黄油的面包 , 还喝了茶 。
拓展资料英文午餐和晚餐 lunch【英 [l?nt?] 美 [l?nt?] 】 【释义】 n.午餐vt.& vi.吃午餐;供给午餐dinner【英 [?d?n?(r)] 美 [?d?n?] 】 【释义】n.晚餐;宴会;正餐 , 主餐 。
2. 早餐的英语单词 早餐: breakfast吃早餐:have breakfastbreakfast / ?brekf?st; ˋbr?kf?st/ n [C, U] first meal of the day 一天的第一顿饭; 早餐; 早饭: a light/big/hearty breakfast 量少的[量多的/丰富的]早餐 * have bacon and eggs for breakfast 早餐有腌猪肉和鸡蛋 * They were having breakfast when I arrived. 我到达时 ,  他们正在用早餐. * She doesn't eat much breakfast. 她早点吃得不多. (idm 习语) bed and breakfast => bed1. a dog's breakfast/dinner => dog1. eat sb for breakfast => eat.> breakfast v [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) eat breakfast 用早餐; 吃早饭: We breakfasted on toast and coffee. 我们用的早餐是烤面包片和咖啡. 。
3. 关于早餐的英语作文【早点英语怎么写】 About BreakfastRecently I have made an investigation among 100 students of Senior.One in our school.About 45 precent students go to school without breakfast.While 35 percent students do not treat breakfast seriously.Only 20 percent students have enough breakfast with nutrition every morning.Some students who study late into the night choose to miss breakfast so that they can have a few extra minutes in bed.Others are given money to buy their breakfast on the way to school because their parents are too busy to prepare it for them.In addition,a few school girls want to stay silm and often go to school without breakfast.In fact breakfast is very important.It can make you have good member,and good judgement,and make you in good heip.So every student should start their day with a regular breakfast.大概翻译:关于早餐我最近作出了在100 Senior.One学生仍低于45的school.About学生到学校不含早餐调查.虽然百分之三十五的学生不把早餐seriously.Only百分之二十的学生有足够的营养早餐 , 每天早上.有些学生谁学习到深夜错过早餐选择 , 使他们能在床上有一些额外的分钟.其他人给出的钱购买了上学途中的早餐 , 因为他们的父母忙着筹备他们.此外 , 一些高中女生想留Silm和经常深入学校不含早餐.事实上 , 早餐是非常重要的.它可以使你有良好的成员 , 和良好的判断力 , 使你在良好heip.因此 , 每个学生都应该从常规早餐的一天. 。

