
1. 面膜英语怎么写 面膜 mask 英[mɑ:sk] 美[m?sk] n. 面具; 假面具; 用作掩饰的事物; 护肤膜; vt. 掩饰; 戴面具; 用面具遮住,掩盖,掩饰; vi. 戴面具; 隐瞒,掩饰; 1、她上个月给我买了一盒面膜 。
She bought me a box of mask last month. 2、面膜主要用来清洁毛孔和收紧肌肤 。Masks are used mainly to clean pores and tighten skin. 3、这款产品是市面上最好的面膜了,我一直都用它 。
This is the best mask I have ever used and I have used them all. 4、当时,我们把酸奶和水果混合后,制成了自创牌面膜,那真是太有趣了 。It was fun when we mixed yogurt and fruit to make our personal brand of face masks. 。
2. “我在做面膜”用英文怎么说 “我在做面膜”用英文:I am having a facial treatment;I am working on my facial mask.
面膜是美容保养品的一种载体,敷贴在脸上15~30分钟 。当保养品的养分缓缓被皮肤吸收后,即卸下来的膜,目前粉末调和、高岭土、无纺布、及蚕丝面膜、天丝面膜、生物纤维面膜材质的面膜使用十分广泛 。是护肤品中的一个类别 。其最基本也是最重要的目的是弥补卸妆与洗脸仍然不足的清洁工作,在此基础上配合其它精华成分实现其它的保养功能,例如补水保湿、美白、抗衰老、平衡油脂等等 。
3. 如何使用面膜英语作文 面膜的使用方法1.试敏 在使用一款新面膜之前要先做一次试过敏反应的试验,这一步尤其重要,但却最容易被mm们忽略 。
把少量面膜敷料涂在手背上,等半个小时后清洗干净,如果手背上没有出现红痒反应,即可放心敷在脸上,尤其是自制的面膜,并应该先做过敏测试 。清洁面部在敷面膜之前一定要先卸掉脸上的妆容,彻底清洁肌肤,如有必要还要先去除角质,洁净的肌肤更有利于吸收面膜中的养分,并且也能避免污垢和灰尘进入毛孔中 。
2.热敷为了起到更好的美容护肤作用,为了将面膜的护肤功效发挥得更好,就要在清洁面部之后,敷面膜之前用一块热毛巾来敷脸3分钟,并且在面部的各种部位进行按摩3~5分钟,可以充分打开毛孔,益于面膜中养分的吸收 。3.涂抹顺序敷面膜的顺序要按照颈部、下颌、脸颊、鼻子、嘴唇、额头的顺序,并从下向上敷,注意绕开眼睛周围、眉毛、双唇,建议从最干燥的部位开始涂起,先涂t字区,再涂u字区 。
4.取下在面膜敷够15分钟后,用手指轻轻按下,感觉不黏手了,就可从面膜的边缘开始,从下向上慢慢地取下面膜 。通常面膜干燥后会使肌肤紧缩,容易出现皱纹,所以在面膜没有变干燥前就取下,不要敷得时间过长,更不能敷着面膜过夜 。
5.冷敷取下之后用干净的温水清洗面部,将面膜残留物清洗干净,之后再用冷毛巾敷面片刻,为的是促进毛孔收缩,之后再涂上润肤品 。mm们可不要忘记最后的收敛步骤,有些清洁性和去角质性的面膜,如果没有很好的后期处理,很容易造成皮肤伤害 。
Using the method of mask1 hypersensitive testBefore using a new mask to do first test a test of allergic reaction, this step is especially important, but most likely to be mm are ignored. Put a small amount ofmask dressing painted on the back of the hand, half an hour after the wash, if the red itch reaction does not appear on the back of hand, you can rest assured that the deposited on the face, especially the self-made facial mask, and shoulddo first allergy test.Clean the faceIn the deposition mask before you unload the face makeup, clean the skin,should first remove the keratin if necessary, clean the skin is more conducive to the absorption of the nutrients in the mask, and also can prevent dirt and dust into the pores of the.2 hot compressIn order to play a better role of beauty care, in order to make the mask of theskin effect play better, will be in after cleaning the face, apply the mask beforewith a hot towel at attaining a 3 minutes, massage 3 to 5 minutes and in variousparts of the face, can fully open pores, beneficial to the mask in the absorption of the nutrient.3 painting in orderSequence deposited mask according to the neck, chin, cheeks, nose, lips,forehead of the order, and from bottom to top dressing, pay attention to bypassaround the eyes, eyebrows, lips, suggest that begins to spread on from the driest parts, first coated T word area, then coated with U word area.4 take offIn the mask for 15 minutes, with your fingers gently press, do not feel sticky, you can start from the mask edge, from the bottom to the top slowly remove themask. Usually after drying mask will make the skin tight, prone to wrinkles, so in the mask has changed from before drying, not to put too long, more cannotapply a mask for the night.5 coldRemove with warm water after cleaning the face clean, put the mask residue clean, reoccupy cold towels Fumian a moment, to promote the pores shrink, and then coated with moisturizing cream. Mm can not forget the convergence stepfinally, some cleaning and exfoliating the facial mask, if there is no post processing is very good, very easy to cause skin damage. 。