
1. 用英语打招呼的作文怎么写 A.Tina,this is Mr.Lin.
B.How do you do ,Tina.
C.It's a pleasure to meet you,Mr.Lin.
D.It's an honor to know you,Tina.
A.May I introduce myself I am Tina.
B.Miss Tina?It's so nice to meet you.I am Jimmy.
C.Tina,they are my friends,Robert and George.
D.I am planning to have a small dinner party on Friday,and hope that you all will be able to come.
2. 用英语打招呼的作文怎么写 Jane:Good morning.What a fine day.
Tom:Yes,it is.So when do you get up .It is still early now.
是啊,你今天几点起来的?现在好早啊 。
Jane:Yeah,I am a early person.I always get up before 6 o'clock.
对,我是一个早起的人,我经常在6点之前就起床了 。
【招呼的英语怎么写】Tom:Good for you.I only get up early today because I have something to do.
你真行 。我只有今天早起了,因为我有点事 。
Jane:So did you eat breakfast?
Tom:Yes,what about you.
Jane:Me too.It is a good breakfast time.What did you eat?
我也吃过了 。现在是吃早饭的好时间 。你吃了什么?
Tom:Egg and orange juice.
Jane:I have boiled egg and milk.
我吃了煎蛋和牛奶 。
Tom:sounds good
Jane:yes,now we get enough energy for a-day work.I have to go now.
是的,现在我们一整天都有力气了 。我要走了 。
Tom:Ok,have a good day.
Jane:you too.
3. 中国不同的打招呼的方式英语作文 语句:用英语打招呼的不同方式 我们用不同的方式打招呼,这取决于我们使用的语言是正式的还是非正式的 。
当到达某地时,我们用正式的方式打招呼时会说:“good morning”(早上好),“good afternoon” (下午好)或者 “good evening”(晚上好) 。当我们用非正式的打招呼方式时,我们倾向于说“hi”(你好);“hello”(你好);“how are you”(你好吗);“what's up”(你好吗); “how are you today”(你今天怎么样);“how come I never see you”(为什么我从没见过你);“it's been such a long time”(已经过了很久了);“long time no see”(好久不见);“where have you been hiding”(你躲到哪里去了)和 “it's been ages since we last met”(自我们上次见面有些时日了) 。
这里是一些朋友们互相打招呼的典型情景:Paolo and Daren meet but Helli joins them later (Paolo和Daren相遇了,但是之后Helli加入了他们) Daren: Hello Paolo, what's up?(你好,Paolo,你好吗?) Paolo: Hi Daren, how're you doing?(你好,Daren,你最近怎么样?) Daren: I'm alright, and yourself?(我很好,你呢?) Paolo: I'm good, work is keeping me busy.(我很好,我工作很繁忙 。) Daren: That's good, I can't complain either.(那很好,我一定不会抱怨的 。)
(Helli walks past)(Helli走过了)Oh! I've been meaning to introduce you to an old friend of mine.( 哦! 我想把你介绍给我的一个老朋友 。) Helli: I'm not old, Daren! Hi, my name is Helli and you must be Paolo? I have heard so much about you. (我不老,Daren!你好,我的名字叫Helli,你肯定是Paolo吧?我听说过你很多次了 。)
Paolo: Good things I hope? It's nice to meet you, Helli.(我想是好事吧?很高兴见到你,Helli 。) Helli: Pleasure is all mine, Paolo. (我也很高兴,Paolo) Daren: What's with the formalities? Just say hi! Helli is one of us! Anyway Helli and I have to go, later Paolo! (何必这么客气?只要说你好就可以了!Helli是自己人!不管怎样,Helli和我要走了,待会见,Paolo!) Paolo: Later Daren and I hope to see you soon Helli. (Daren和我希望不久就能再见到你,Helli 。