
1. 价格的英语单词怎么写 价格
n. price,
value (商品价值的货币表现) price; tariff:标明价格 mark (goods) with a price tag; have goods clearly priced国家规定价格 state-set price浮动价格 floating price议价价格 free price; negotiated price优惠价格 favoured price价格持平 price parity给某物定价格 assign (fix) a price to sth.降低价格 reduce a price算出价格 figure out a price提高价格 raise a price调整价格 readjust a price稳定商品价格 squeeze the price of commodity影响价格 affect the price告诉我价格 。Let me know the price.这是你能接受的最低价格吗? Is this the lowest price you can take?这两条船价格相等 。The two boats are of a price.
2. 价格的英语单词怎么写 price 英[prais] 美[pra?s] 过去式:priced 过去分词:priced 现在分词:pricing 复数:prices
1.价格, 价钱
1.标价; 定价
2.问价; 估价 名词 n.
1.价格, 价钱
It is rather cheap at this price.
这东西卖这个价钱是相当便宜的 。
No price is too high for winning their support.
为了获得他们的支持, 任何代价均在所不惜 。
及物动词 vt.
1.标价; 定价
They priced the garments before putting them on display.
他们先给服装标好价格再摆出来卖 。
2.问价; 估价
I don't know enough about pictures to be able to price these pictures.
我不太懂画, 估计不出这些画的价钱 。

