1. 泰迪用英语怎么写 teddy英 ['ted?] 美 [?t?di]n.特迪;妇女连衫衬裤;泰迪玩具熊例句:Polly was playing with her teddy bear.波莉正在玩她的泰迪熊 。
扩展资料泰迪,又称贵宾犬(Poodle),也称“贵妇犬”,又称“卷毛狗”,在德语中,Pudel是“水花飞溅”的意思,是犬亚科犬属的一种动物 。贵宾犬的来源就像它为了拖出猎禽所涉过的水一样浑浊不清 。
泰迪头颅顶部稍圆,眉头随浅但很清晰,面颊平坦 。眼睛颜色很深呈卵圆形,两眼间距宽,眼神机警 。
吻部长直而纤细,眼睛下方有轻微诶凹陷 。颈部强壮,颈长可以使头部高高抬起 。
胸部深而扩张,肋部伸展 。后脚跟短,与地面垂直 。
泰迪犬狗狗的主要特点有聪明,温顺,听话,但是它比较黏人,特别喜欢趴在主人的腿上,尤其喜欢让主人抱着它,在自己的主人跟前撒欢,蹦蹦跳跳,还很擅长博主人的同情 。泰迪犬是非常小的狗狗,但它却是非常高傲的 。
傲娇是狗狗的主要表现,在它的眼中,你很难看到失落或者是不自信,所以说也是一种比较有气质的狗狗 。
2. 泰迪狗用英语怎么说 poodle 读音:英 [?pu:dl] 美 [?pudl] n.贵宾犬;髦毛小狗 复数: poodles 例句: 1、If people are allergic to dogs, we can give them a standard poodle, because they.有过有人对犬过敏,我们会交给他们一直标准的贵宾犬 。
因为这种犬不会落毛 。2、What is it that attracts you to the Standard Poodle breed? 是什么让你喜欢上贵宾品种? 3、Would your Standard Poodle be indoor or outdoor? 你希望把标准贵宾犬养在室内还是室外? 扩展资料: 其它品种狗狗英文 一、schnauzer 读音:英 [??na?z?(r)] 美 [?na?z?r] n.雪纳瑞(德国种,刚毛浓眉) 例句: 1、Coarse hair on top of head; harsh beard and eyebrows, the Schnauzer hallmark. 头顶毛发粗糙,有粗糙的胡须、眉毛,雪纳瑞的典型外观 。
2、Cropping& the cutting of ear leathers to make them smaller and to stand them erect as in the Miniature Schnauzer. 剪耳 。剪短耳朵的长度,使耳朵变得更小,并使耳朵直立起来,就像迷你雪纳瑞犬 。
二、golden retriever 读音:英 [?ɡ?uld?n ri?tri:v?] 美 [?ɡold?n r??triv?] n.金毛猎犬 例句: 1、Oh, yes, I have a dog now, a golden retriever. 对了,我现在有一条狗,一条金色的猎狗 。2、Number Five: Sometimes you need to be like a Golden Retriever. 有时你需要象金毛猎犬那样为人处事 。
三、Labrador 读音:英 [?l?br?d?:(r)] n.拉布拉多猎狗 复数: Labradors 1、Labrador Retriever top dog in U.S.for19th year. 拉布拉多犬连续第19年当选美国最受欢迎犬种 。2、I have a pet. It's a Labrador Retriever. 我有一只宠物,它是一只黑色的拉布拉多犬 。
3. 泰迪狗英文介绍 泰迪犬英文名称:Teddy dog泰迪狗的相关简介:The Teddy dog is actually a beauty model for poodles. The VIP is a French variety, and it looks very lovely. Once used as a waterbird. In 19th Century and 20th Century, the species reached its peak for hunting, performance and companionship. They are divided into four groups according to their size: the most popular ones are smaller ones: Mini poodles and Toy Poodles. Among them, the toy poodle is the smallest body shape. It is active, active, alert, intelligent, likes to go out and adaptable. The poodle is an excellent pet dog without hair removal. The tidy is a cube shaped structure, with the head trimmed mostly oval or round. The ratio of shoulder height to body length is mostly 9:11 (body length slightly larger than shoulder height). After birth, most of the tail is broken. Curly hair 。
It is divided into two types: toy body (adult shoulder height not more than 25 cm) teacup body (adult shoulder height not more than 18 cm).简介翻译:说到泰迪犬,其实它是贵宾犬美容后的狗类,贵宾室法国品种,形象可爱,一度被用作猎捕水鸟 。在19世纪和20世纪的时候,泰迪形象达到巅峰,可以用作打猎、表演和陪伴等 。
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