
1. 一天很忙又很累英语怎么写【非常非常忙英语怎么写】 busy tired bitter translation 忙 [zhuyin] [ㄇㄤˊ] [pinyin] [mang] 1. busy 2. to hasten 3. to hurry 4. fully occupied related phrases * 【英】【口】无事瞎忙;小题大作 faff * 在工作;在忙著 on the job * 帮某人忙 do sb. a favour * 不忙的;空闲的 unoccupied * 不慌不忙 deliberate ; unhurried , unhurriedly ; leisurely ; deliberately ; at leisure ; without hurry or bustle * 非常忙;深陷於 up to the elbows , up to one's elbows * 太忙的 overbusy * 匆匆忙忙地做;跌跌撞撞地走 tumble * 不慌不忙的,从容的 deliberate * 瞎忙的人 fusspot * 非常忙 up to the eyes , up to one's eyes * 忙个不停 on the run * 无事忙的人 munchkin * (东西)搁死的,不能挪作他用的;(人)脱不了身的,忙得不可开交的 tied up * 忙人 a busy person * 帮我一点忙 give me a hand * 从容不迫地,不慌不忙地 deliberately * 手法平稳的;不慌不忙的 steady-handed * 不慌不忙的,从容不迫的;悠闲的 unhurried * 感到忙不过来的,紧迫的,感受压力的 pressurized * 无事忙 a busybody , to be busy for nothing * 【古】忙的;爱管闲事的 pragmatic * 徒劳无益地空忙 tinker * 不忙 in no hurry , not busy , to take one ' s time translation 累 [pinyin] [lei] [pinyin] [lei] [pinyin] [lei] 1. strung together 2. to accumulate or pile up 3. tired ; fatigued 4. to tie ; to bind ; to twine around ; to wind round 5. a heavy rope 6. to embroil 7. ( of doing something wrong ) continuously ; repeatedly 8. to have worked hard 9. to tire ; to strain related phrases * 普累斯顿(英格兰西北部港市) preston * 累坏的 done * (健康等)垮掉;衰退;累倒 collapse * 累垮人的;令人受不了的 grueling * 根粗实累 when the root is vigorous the trees will be laden with fruit . * 累囚 a prisoner * 穷年累月 for years on end ; year after year ; for a very long time * 达累斯萨拉姆 dar es salaam ( the capital of tanzania ) * 【金融】(德国) 德累斯顿银行 (全球知名金融机构,2001 年度全球财富 500 强排名第 187 位) dresdner bank * 【美】【口】倦极的,累得腰酸背疼的,精疲力尽的 bone-tired * 把(马等)骑得过累 override * (前苏联)卡累里亚语的 karelian * 累人的;令人疲倦的 tiring * 脱然无累 without a worry or care in the world * 达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚共和国首都) dar es salaam * (前苏联)卡累里亚人 karelian * 累战皆捷 one victory after another * (累极而)睡去;(工作)精疲力尽;昏过去 conk * 极累的,精疲力竭的 buggered * 积铢累寸 to save every tiny bit ; to accumulate bit by bit ; to let small amounts accumulate * 累退税 regressive taxation * 马累 male ( the capital of maldives ) * 盈千累万 in hundreds and thousands * 十分疲劳;累垮了 tired out translation 苦 [pinyin] [ku] 1. bitter 2. pains ; sufferings 3. painful related phrases * 【美】【俚】努力,苦干 hump * 冥思苦想,深思熟虑 contemplate * 使苦修;使补赎 penance * 苦艾;晒干的艾叶或艾花 absinthium * 苦味;苦的东西 gall * 苦干;辛苦地工作 fag * (继续地)苦干 pound * 酸;苦;辛辣 acerbity * 不愉快的事;苦事 sour * 苦修 penance ; self - torture * 自讨苦吃的,自作自受的 masochistic * 使更苦;使怨恨;激怒 embitter * 访贫问苦 to inquire of the poor about their past sufferings * 苦薄荷 [ botany ] horehound * 【希神】英雄杰生( jason )所找到的金羊毛(历尽千辛万苦觅取的宝物) golden fleece * 欧洲樱桃树(结红果,味苦,可制酒) marasca * 苦恋的;害相思病的 love-sick * 努力从事;埋头苦干 plod * 挑灯苦读者 lucubrator * 苦夏 loss of appetite and weight in summer * 苦干 to work hard ; to grind away at ; to slave away at ; to bang away at ; to keep at * 苦艾中毒 absinthism * 嘴甜心苦 sweet jaws and bitter heart * 一种啤酒在酿制时使其含酒精量高于普通啤酒,而其后味之苦意不似普通啤酒 dry beer 。