
1. 用英文写对外教课的感受 Well done:
1. The teacher is very nice, very pay attention to students' pronunciation and in the correct sound very careful very patient; 2. Basically every class are quite substantial of, give us provide some foreigners to write the article, with us together with the analysis of the new words and phrases of the tunnel inside. Classroom on the vast majority of time given to students, according to the given problem free discussion, degree of exercise students' English oral expression ability.
1. Sometimes the class content sensitive topics, such as: the Diaoyu Islands issue, between national disputes and other tough questions should avoid to appear in the classroom, so as not to provoke individual students extreme thoughts, words and deeds, the hope can provide more fitting of daily life of the topic;
2 teaching forms and forms of communication are relatively simple, the classroom is slightly dull; the 3 class should talk more about foreign culture and customs.
2. 你对学校教课有什么意见,英语作文 Nowadays more and more schools encourage their students to take part in after-class activities. As everyone knows, just like study in class, after-class activities play an important role in the growth of the students.
After school, I will take part in some after-class activities such as play basketball and go jogging and so forth. In my opinion, after-class activities can help us to study more effective. And a wide variety of after-class activities is a necessary complement to classroom study. So we should learn how to combine the learning in the classroom and the extracurricular activities.
3. 写一篇关于学习英语的英语作文,结合自己的实例,120字 Nowadays 如今,some students don't like learning English because learning English is hardwork. I think it's necessary for us to learn English in our daily life. We should have effective ways有效的方式 of learning English and spend more time on it. Here is my some advice. First ,we should read English books as much as possible and talk with your friends. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you talk with others . Because everybody could make mistakes. What is more, we should write as much as possible.Spend more time doing practise.We should also try to listen to English more. We may listen to English music, tapes etc.(等 。
) Last ,but not least 最后但也是最重要的.It's important for us to listen to teacher and take notes carefully in class. We should do our homework carefully. We also should believe ourselves.I believe if we work hard, we are sure to learn it well. I think it is important for everyone to learn English well. 我认为学习英语对于每个人而言都很重要 Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money. 首先,如果你能说英语,你能与外国人做生意,挣很多钱 Secondly, you can make more if you can speak English. That will bring you more . 其次,如果你能说英语你能交到很多朋友 。
那会带给你更多的乐趣 Thirdly, you can get high scores in your English exams if you learn English well, which will please your parents and English teacher. 第三,如果你能学好英语,你能在英语测验中取得高分,能使你的父母和老师觉得欣慰 Fourth, if you learn English well, you can go to study abroad. Then you'll be able to gain more knowledge and learn about Western cultures and customs, and absorb the best of both Western and Chinese education, which will be of benefit to you in the future. 第四,如果你能学好英语,你能去国外学习 。然后你能获得更多的知识,学习关于西方的文化传统,更好的吸收中西 Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a better job and a higher salary. That means you can enjoy a better quality of life. 最后,如果学好了英语,你能获得一份很好的职业,获得高薪 。
那就意味着你能享受高质量的生活 From the above points, you can see the importance of learning English. Therefore, work hard at learning English. 。