
1. 英语简历怎么写 范文 。
Name: Dahong Xu (Rainy)
Address: 601-3-8 Gudang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Tel (mobile):01234567890
E-mail:[email protected]
Guildford College of F. and H.E. May--June 2007 Short course in Culinary Arts and English
Stoke Park
Surry, England
Hangzhou Zhongce Vocational School Sep.2005—Jun.2006 Culinary Arts
Hangzhou Fengtan Middle School Sep.2002—Jun.2005 General School Studies
Exams Taken
Hangzhou Zhongce Vocational School End of semester's exams 2005--2006
(English, Chinese, Math, Operations&theory)
Hangzhou Fengtan Middle School Final exam 2005
(English, Chinese, Math, Science)
End of semester's exams 2002--2005
(English, Chinese, Math, Science)
Practical experience during studies
Personal Interests and Hobbies:
In the free time I enjoy reading novels if it is interesting I will keep on reading. And I like playing with animals especially dogs and cats. Also I enjoy watching films may be all the kinds of the films except war and action, and listening to the international music, but my favorite thing is learning languages.
2. 英语简历怎么写 英语简历各方面的学习 , 最好要看看:)~ings, but I hope in the future work of the study can prove themselves, constantly improve their sound
4. 英文简历怎么写呀 写中文简历 , 对中国人来说 , 小菜一碟 , 但是写英文简历呢?那情况就不一样了 , 很多人根本不懂英语 , 于是请朋友代写英文简历 , 这还好些 。还有一些人干脆直接用网上的翻译器翻译 , 那翻译出来的文章真是让人忍俊不禁 。
那么英文简历到底该怎么写呢?其实不难 , 你只要知道一些常用的英语还有跟自己专业相关的一些英语 , 再套用一个好的简历模式 , 就足够了 。下面我们就来介绍一种比较适合大众 , 也是国外最普遍 , 最流行的一种简历模式:
一、首先 , 自己的姓名 , 地址 , 联系方式 。比如电话或者电子邮箱等等 。一般采用居中的方式 , 其他的则居左就可以了 。如下:
Phone No. Home
Cell phone No.
Email Add
二、接着 , 要写objective(求职意向) 。这一栏是最重要的一项了 。很多公司主要看这一项的内容是否跟他们所要求的一致或者接近 。比如:
A sales management or business development position where my strategic and consultative selling, cross-cultural relationship building, team facilitation, business management, organizational insight, and advanced technical skills will be continually challenged. I aspire to senior management responsibility and seek a company that embraces growth and change, where compensation is performance-based and increased levels of responsibility offered those with demonstrated potential.
(销售经理职位或者和企业发展有关的职位 , 可以使我的战略头脑、销售能力、建立跨文化关系的能力、团队能力、商务管理能力、组织能力和先进的技术能力都能够进一步的发挥和进步 。……)
上面这个例子是老外的简历中的原句 , 当然对中国人来说比较复杂 , 如果对英语要求不高的话 , 其实也不需写这么多 。一般来说可以直接翻译中文简历中的句子 , 但是也有很多比较好大家普遍接受的表达方法 , 由于各行各业不同 , 而应聘职位也不同 , 要根据情况而不同 , 具体请点击查看英文简历中各行各业应聘职位用语 。但是如果你想要应聘外企或者所应聘的公司对英语要求比较高的话就可以把使用的句子修饰一下 , 当然要在自己的能力范围内哦 。