
1. 成功的英语单词怎么写 successful adj. 造句 He was a successful businessman(他是一个成功的商人)
succeed v. 造句 I succeeded in getting the first(我成功的得到第一名)
successfully adv. 造句 He successfully won first prize(他成功的得到第一名)
success n. 造句 I have a way to achieve success (我有实现成功的方法)
2. 成功的三种形式怎么写英语 succeed 英 [s?k'si:d] 美 [s?k?sid] vi. 成功;继承 vt. 继承 , 继任 , 继位;随…之后 成功; 得手; 接任; 接替 过去式:succeeded 过去分词:succeeded 现在分词:succeeding 第三人称单数:succeeds continue, resume, succeed, go on 这些动词或短语动词均有“继续”之意 。
continue: 普通用词 。或指持续而不停止 , 或有一段中断后又继续下去 。
resume: 指中断后的继续 。succeed: 侧重指有规律地连续 。
go on: 通俗用词 , 多用于口语中 。go on+-ing表暂停后继续做原事 , 即后继续的内容与原来的内容相同 。
【成功的的用英语怎么写】go on+不定式指做完某事后 , 接着做不同的另一件事 。flourish, thrive, succeed, prosper 这些动词都有“兴旺 , 成功”之意 。
flourish: 指处于成功、繁荣、进步的顶盛阶段 。thrive: 指蓬勃发展 , 常指显而易见的成功 。
succeed: 表示成功 , 强调完成某件想往或企图去做的事 , 与fail相对 。prosper: 指持续不断地成功 , 也指越来越成功 。
1.I'm determined to succeed. 我决心要获得成功 。2. It was ludicrous to think that the plan could succeed. 认为此计划会取得成功是荒唐的 。
3. The project seemed unlikely to succeed. 这个项目似乎难以成功 。4. Tom's anxiety to succeed led him to work hard. 汤姆对成功的渴望使他更加努力 。
5. What makes Jim think he could succeed at music? 是什么使吉姆认为他能在音乐方面获得成功?success英 [s?k'ses] 美 [s?k?s?s] n. 成功 , 成就;好成绩 , 好结果;成功的人(或物) 成功; 社科赛斯; 成就; 胜利 1.He had finally achieved success.他终于获得了成功 。1. 2. She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck. 她认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点运气 。
3. The movie's success has made her one of the world's most bankable stars. 这部影片的成功使她成了世界上最有身价的明星之一 。4. Buoyed by their win yesterday the team feel confident of further success. 在昨天胜利的鼓舞下 , 该队有信心再次获胜 。
5. Despite the crudity of their methods and equipment, the experiment was a considerable success. 尽管他们的方法和设备较为粗陋 , 那次实验却相当成功 。successful 英 [s?k?sesfl] 美 [s?k?s?sf?l] adj. 成功的 , 如愿以偿的 成功者; 成功的; 成功地; 如果成功会有一个 比较级:more successful 最高级:most successful 1. The reforms marked the successful culmination of a long campaign. 这些改革标志着一场长期运动的胜利结束 。
2. He is the embodiment of the young successful businessman. 他是成功青年企业家的典型 。3. a moderately successful career 还算成功的事业 4. Notwithstanding some major financial problems, the school has had a successful year. 虽然有些重大的经费问题 , 这所学校一年来还是很成功 。
5. This product has been phenomenally successful. 这种产品获得了极大的成功 。
3. 关于成功的英语作文 其实60字是不够写出个人或他人经历的 , 我引用了你书面的资料 , 内容充足简洁 , 写出来的字也不多 。
Success is what everybody in this world strives to achieve, but not everybody can taste it because that is difficult. To reach success you must keep striving and never give up. As the saying goes: " working hard does not guarantee success, but giving up absolutely means loss.” In a way, one does not “fail” on “the road to success”; one can only continue on and build up on that success.