
1. 一篇简单的宠物英文介绍 楼上的 , 你把美洲黑熊当宠物养吗?哈哈 。
【宠物英文怎么写】 【狗】 There are many species of animals that share a bonding with the humans.. Foremost among them, the mans most loyal friend has always been the Dog. Humans and dogs have been inseparable for thousand of years depending on each other for protection and survival. From earlier days we have relied on dogs for hunting and guarding and now more as pets for companionship, protection and their showmanship. Dogs belong to the family Canidae which includes wolves, jackals and foxes. All modern domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) have descended from the grey wolf. There are now more than 300 different breeds of domestic dog and these are often classified into different groups according to the tasks such as hunting, guarding and herding, for which they were originally bred. 【猫】 Cats, are believed to be first domesticated by the ancient Egyptians over 8,000 years ago around 2600 BC. They were later venerated as a sacred animal and were even mummified by the Egyptians when they died. It was only in the 19th century that the first pedigree (with a family lineage) breeds were developed. In fact, more than 300 breeds and varieties are recognised now, the main distinguishing characteristics being head shape and the length of hair. The Domestic cat is one of the 38 species of the cat family or Felidae. They are the descendants of maybe three or four of the wild Felidae species, foremost of which is the Felis silvestris lybica or the African Wild cat. Besides the Pedigree and non pedigree domestic pet cats, there are the Working cats kept for their rodent catching ability and the Feral cats, the descendants of cats which at one time have been domesticated at least to some extent. Cats are very independent among the pets, living by their own set of rules. But they need and value companionship and make wonderful pets.These quiet creatures groom themselves and come in a wide variety of colors, coats and generally placid temperaments. Most of them are best suited to indoor as well as outdoor life. You can make a good relationship with these pets and develop mutual understanding, tolerance and respect. 。

