
1. 小酒窝 的英文版 I was looking for One to rely on and a hug Who pray for me for me troubles For me to make me angry Well-being of the beginning of有预兆 Let us close to the fate slowly Alone and then be devoured Become bored if there is little change in the small dimple long eyelashes The mark is your best I miss you every day I could not smile You do not know how important you are to me With just your life complete Small dimple long lashes A hopelessly charming I slowed down the pace of Feels like drunk Heart has finally found a better linked Warm good life I will always love you to the old ☆。
Well-being of the beginning of有预兆 Let us close to the fate slowly Alone and then be devoured Become bored if there is little change in the small dimple is your most beautiful long eyelashes mark I miss you every day I could not smile You do not know how important you are to me With just your life complete Small dimple long lashes A hopelessly charming I slowed down the pace of Feels like drunk Heart has finally found a better linked Warm good life I will never love you to the old Small dimple long lashes A hopelessly charming I slowed down the pace of Feels like drunk Heart has finally found a better linked Warm good life I will always love you to the old 。
2. 微笑的英语怎么写呀 微笑
beam; beam on; crack a smile; smile
与 微笑 相关的例句
And smiling. Always smiling.
微笑,总是那般微笑 。
Always wears a smile.
Exhibited pleasure by smiling.
She gave a smile.
她露出微笑 。
Smiled with bloodless lips.
A wisp of a smile.
He forced himself to smile.
他勉强微笑 。
I could not forbear smiling.
我忍不住微笑 。
Smiles are significant of pleasure.
微笑表示喜悦 。
To form dimples by smiling.
3. 笑 英语单词怎么写【酒窝英语怎么写】 smile
太多了 自己挑选吧····
beam: smile broadly 眉开眼笑
smirk: a smile expressing smugness or scorn instead of pleasure 假笑
simper: smile affectedly or derisively 假笑;傻笑
sneer: to smile or laugh scornfully or derisively 轻蔑地笑;冷笑
dimple: produce dimples while smiling 笑得露出酒窝
fleer: to smirk or laugh in contempt or derision 嘲弄地笑
bray: laugh loudly and harshly 粗声粗气地大笑
cackle: emit a loud, unpleasant kind of laughing 格格发笑
howl: laugh unrestrainedly and heartily 大笑
chuckle: laugh quietly or with restraint 轻笑,窃笑