
1. 狗叫用英语怎么说 Dog狗叫1.bark2.barking3.aboyer4.dog bark我家狗狗叫1.janey2.winston《下午狗叫》张耀东1.zhang yaodong听起来像狗叫1.it sounded like a dog barking2.it sounds like a dog barking老狗叫,是忠告1.if the old dog barks, he give the counsel2.if the old dog barks,he gives counsel 。
2. 狗的英语怎么写,怎么读 狗dog疯狗rabid dog雌狗a bitch海狗seal狗獾badger狼狗german shepherd;wolfhound狗牌dog tag遛狗to walk a dog牧羊狗shepherd dog腊肠狗dachshund看门狗watchdog狐狸狗pomeranian狗腿子dog's leg
中文英文n.热狗hot dog n.海狗harbor seal n. 鱼狗kingfisher n. 狗窝doghouse n.大丹狗great dane n.狗项圈dog collar n. 柯利狗collie n.苏格兰种狗Scottie n.苏格兰种狗Scotch terrier n.狗拖之雪橇dog sled n.狗爬式游泳dog paddle n.荷兰狮毛狗keeshond n. 狗,杂种狗pooch n. 爱斯基摩狗malamute n.养狗场管理员kennelmaster n.哈巴狗;膝狗lap dog n.看门狗;家犬house dog n.灰狗;快速船grayhound n. 野狗的一种dingo n.野狗;杂种狗cur n.小狗;小海豹pup n. 猎狗的一种wolfhound n.北平人;哈巴狗Pekingese n.看门狗;大人物big dog n. 灰狗,快速船greyhound n. 小狗,小动物puppy n. 鱼狗属的小鸟tody n.小型狗;玩具狗toy dog n. 小狗,狗,汪汪doggie
3. 狗用英语怎么说 “狗”英文说法:dog
读法:英 [d?g] 美 [d?ɡ]
1、n. 狗;卑鄙的人;(俚)朋友
2、vt. 跟踪;尾随
dog clutch爪扣
working dog工作犬
raccoon dog貉,狸
1、The boy might instead kick the dog and think he hates the dog because that's a more acceptable target.
孩子可能会去踢狗,觉得狗很可恨,因为狗是可以接受的替代性目标 。
2、The life of a dog or a cat or a chicken consists of appetites, cravings, desires, and their gratifications.
狗,猫,小鸡的生命,都充斥着各类嗜好,渴望,欲望,以及满足感 。
读法:英 ['d?g?d] 美 ['d?ɡ?d]
1、adj. 顽强的;顽固的
2、vt. 跟踪;尾随(dog的过去式)
1、dogged end夹头夹紧端
2、dogged coupling爪形联合器
3、dogged march顽强的行军
4、dogged yielding顽固的

