1. '恐怖'的英文是什么 都用形容词性回答吧 。
terror , 【'ter?】 , 特-A-热-O(连读 , 英文字母按本音读 , 下同)
horrible , 【'h?r?bl】 , 鹤-热-呕-不-O
terrifying , 【't?rifaii?】 , 特-A-热-O-抚-艾-硬
dreadful , 【'dredful】 , 主-A-得-复-呃
提示 , 小同学 , 还是记音标好 , 汉语拼音等代替英文读音 , 这样不利于英语学习啊~
补充:horror可以 , 【'h?r?】 , 喝-欧-柔(连读)
2. 可怕用英语怎么写 terrible; fearful; awful; dreadful; scary; frightful
这组词都有“害怕的、可怕的”的意思 , 其区别是:
appalling 指既令害怕又使人惊异、胆寒 。
afraid 指由于胆小或怯懦而不敢说或做某事 。
frightful 指使人陷入短暂的惊恐或产生毛骨悚然的感觉 。
terrible 侧重指给人以长久的惊骇 , 极端的恐怖 , 令人难以忍受 。
terrific 多指外表、形状或力量等的可怕 。
fearful 普通用词 , 既指外界情况变化而引起的恐惧 , 又指来自内心的害怕与焦虑 。
horrible 指因骇人听闻的丑恶而令人毛骨悚然 , 着重厌恶的成分多于害怕 。
dreadful 指使人非常恐惧 , 毛骨悚然 , 也使人感到讨厌而退缩 。
awful 指威严得令人害怕或敬畏 , 有一定的感情色彩 。
3. 鬼故事翻译英文 80分 The cemetery in the hill was haunted, all the residents of nearby village didn't dare to pass there. There was a person with family name of Hou who was known as bold (这一句没直接翻译成名字叫侯大胆 , 而是翻成“素称大胆的姓侯的人” , 当然如果你觉得要直接翻成名叫侯大胆也可 , 但外国人可不知道中文的译音“大胆Dadan”是胆子大的意思 , 恐怕失去了意义) , he didn't believe it and insisted on staying there a night to find out what was going on. Some busybodies also went with him. But it was not an ordinary bustle, many persons had gone back on the way and only 5 or 6 persons came to the cemetery in the last. It became completely dark and the cemetery became more and more horrible. Nobody else but a person from other village stayed there with Hou.There had been nothing happening for the whole night. The sky became a little blue and there were already cocks crowing far away. Giving a stretch to his body, Hou complained: "What haunted! Nothing special at all! But it has kept me watching for a whole night, "That person responded to him: "Well, I haven't seen any ghost though I have kept watching for more than a hundred years!" 。
4. “恐怖”、“爱情”的英文单词怎么写 恐怖terror 近义词 monstrousness | horror | nightmare | dread | funk | fear | consternation | ghastfulness | phobia | fright | trepidation | affright | terrorv | mythophobia 爱情love 近义词 kindness | luv | tendresse | tender sentiment | tender passion | affection | the torch of Hymen | comradery 。
5. 关于恐怖主义的英文作文 我们应该如何对付恐怖主义(How We Should Combat Terrorism) Ever since September 11 happened in 2001, whole world has been appealing to combat terrorism. As we can see, people in different country hold very different opinions on the issue how we should combat terrorism. Obviously, Americans think that they can keep them away from terrorism by evanishing all their so-called enemies such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and now both country are under their control, however, terrorism does not disappear as they have hoped. Contrarily, there seems to be an ever-increasing trend, just leaving countless guiltless people suffering from the war 。
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