
1. 下面鞋材的英文怎么说 Brazil Oil Paper Printing
Crazy Horse oil Paper
Brazil Oil Paper
Palestinian sheep
Niu Pakistan
Shuangmian Rong
Embroidered fabrics
Short plush printing
Nerong slit
Lamb wool
2. “鞋子”的英文怎么写. shoe 读音:e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333366306565英 [?u:] 美 [?u] n.鞋;蹄铁;(汽车轮的)制动器,煞车;外胎 vt.为…钉蹄铁;给…穿上鞋;装防护物 例句: 1、The shoe fits badly and has rubbed the skin. 这鞋不合脚,把皮都磨掉了 。2、Low-heeled comfortable shoes are best 舒服的低跟鞋子最好了 。3、The shoes go on the shoe shelf 鞋子放在鞋架上 。? 扩展资料: 第三人称单数: shoes 复数: shoes 现在分词: shoing 过去式: shod shoed 过去分词: shod shoed 词组: n. be in sb's shoes 处于某人的境地;设身处地 if I were in your shoes (引出建议)要是我处在你的境地,换了我是你的话 fill sb's shoes/boots 妥善代职 step into sb's shoes 接替某人的工作 shake in your shoes (informal) 非常害怕(或紧张);战战兢兢;心惊肉跳
3. 各种鞋用英语怎么说 比如说皮鞋 凉鞋 等等 我来回答所有鞋的种类 /news/readNews.asp?ShoeNews_ID=7506 shoe 鞋 sole 鞋底 heel 鞋后跟 lace 鞋带 皮鞋:Leather shoes 凉鞋:Sandal 夹脚拖鞋:Jandal 拖鞋: Slippers 旅游鞋:Sneakers 舞鞋:dance shoes/ ballet shoes moccasin 鹿皮鞋 patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋 boot 靴子 slippers 便鞋 sandal 凉鞋 canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋 clog 木拖鞋 galosh, overshoe 套鞋 步行鞋(Walking Shoes) 爬山鞋由专业到休闲可分为Pro-Mountain Boot、Mountain Shoe和Trekking Shoe三大类 。
【鞋材英文怎么写】artificial leather人造皮革 basketball shoes篮球鞋 beach shoes沙滩鞋 包头,脚趾toe 保键鞋,健康鞋healthy shoes, healthcare shoes 苯中毒 benzene poisoning 绷帮lasting 布鞋cloth shoes 裁断cutting 成型(形)shaping, forming 大底,鞋底sole 独资solely-invested, sole proprietorship 放样pattern grading 缝纫,针车sewing 高跟鞋high-heeled shoes 工作鞋work shoes 合成革synthetic leather 后帮heel part 滑板鞋skateboard 滑冰鞋skating shoes 滑草鞋grass-sliding shoes 滑雪鞋skiing shoes 胶glue 矫形鞋orthopaedic shoe 篮球鞋basketball shoes 凉鞋sandals 旅游鞋tourist shoes, travel shoes 慢跑鞋jogging shoes 棉鞋cotton shoes 模具mold, mould 内底insole 跑鞋racing shoes 配色coloring 皮革leather 剖层皮,二层皮split 前帮toe part, vamp 人造皮革artificial leather 人字拖鞋flip-flops “三合一”厂房three-in-one factory 沙滩鞋beach shoes 时装鞋dress shoes 精致鞋fashion shoes (装饰鞋,盛装鞋) 树脂resin 塑料,塑胶plastic 童鞋 children shoes 头层皮top layer leather 头层生皮top layer hide 头层粒面革top-grain leather 拖鞋 slippers 脱楦 last release 网鞋 sole-upper linking 削边trimming 鞋shoe 鞋帮,帮面upper 鞋材shoe material 鞋带shoe lace 鞋扣buckle 鞋类footwear 鞋楦last 鞋样设计shoe pattern design 休闲鞋casual shoes, leisure shoes 绣花embroidery 研发research and development, R&D 样品室sample room 运动鞋sneakers ,sports shoes, athletic shoes 真皮genuine leather 制鞋shoemaking 中帮side part 中底mid-sole 足球鞋football shoes 专卖店specialty store artificial leather人造皮革 basketball shoes篮球鞋 beach shoes沙滩鞋 benzene poisoning苯中毒 brand 品牌 buckle鞋扣 casual shoes休闲鞋 cementing上胶,刷胶,涂胶 cement shoe胶粘鞋 check检查 children shoes童鞋 cloth shoes布鞋 coloring配色 cotton shoes棉鞋 cutting裁断 designer设计师 dress shoes时装鞋,精致鞋,装饰鞋,盛装鞋 embroidery绣花 factory manager厂长 family-owned firm家族企业 fashion shoes时装鞋 flip-flops人字拖鞋 football shoes足球鞋 footwear鞋类 foreign-funded外资 franchise 特许经营 genuine leather真皮 glue胶 graphic design平面设计 grass-sliding shoes滑草鞋 healthcare shoes保健鞋 healthy shoes健康鞋 heel part后帮 high-heeled shoes高跟鞋 insole内底 international Standardization Organization, ISO国际标准化组织 ISO 9002 certification ISO9002认证 jogging shoes慢跑鞋 joint-ventured合资 last release脱楦 last鞋楦 lasting绷帮 leather皮革 leisure shoes休闲鞋 logo 标识、徽标 mid-sole中底 mold, mould模具 order supervisor跟单 orthopedic shoe矫形鞋 plastic塑料,塑胶 racing shoes私营 recruiting跑鞋 resin树脂 roughing打磨,磨光,起毛 sample designer版师 sample room样品室 sandals凉鞋 sewing缝纫,针车 shoe lace鞋带 shoe material鞋材 shoe鞋 shoemaking制鞋 side part中帮 skateboard 滑板鞋 skating shoes滑冰鞋 skiing shoes滑雪鞋 slippers拖鞋 sneakers运动鞋 sole大底,鞋底 solely-invested独资 sole-upper linking网鞋 specialty store专卖店 split剖层皮,二层皮 sports shoes运动鞋 synthetic leather合成革 toe part前帮 toe包头、脚趾 tourist shoes旅游鞋 trademark, TM 商标 travel shoes旅游鞋 trimming削边 upper鞋帮,帮面 vamp前帮 work shoes工作鞋 。