
1. {随心所欲} 翻译成英语,是怎么写的 follow one's bent、arbitrarily、as one pleases、at one's sweet will、Do as one wishes
一、follow one's bent
【随心所欲的英语怎么写】读音:英 [?f?l?? w?nz bent] 美 [?fɑ?lo? w?nz bent]
例句:When the hips go down, follow along, with the knees slightly bent. 当臀部下去,只要跟随你的腿,膝盖稍微弯曲 。
读音:英 [?ɑ?b?tr?r?li] 美 [?ɑrb??tr?r?li]
例句:Form of written of height and the width arbitrarily adjust. 字体的高度和宽度任意调整 。
三、as one pleases
读音:英 [?z w?n ?pli?z?z] 美 [?z w?n ?pli?z?z]
例句:Having no attachments or ties; free to do as one pleases. 自由自在的无任何束缚或牵连的;任意做自己喜欢的事的 。
四、at one's sweet will
读音:英 [?t w?nz swi?t w?l] 美 [?t w?nz swi?t w?l]
例句:The tiger played with his victims at his own sweet will. 老虎随着自己的心意戏弄它的受害人 。
五、Do as one wishes
读音:英 [du ?z w?n ?w???z] 美 [du ?z w?n ?w???z]
例句:You may utilize this as many times per day as one wishes to clear the field.你可以每天想用多少次就用多少次来清除能量场 。
2. ”随心所欲”怎么翻译成英文 随心所欲: [ suí xīn suǒ yù ] 1. do as one wishes其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 你总是随心所欲而不考虑我们的情感 。
You always follow your own inclination instead of thinking of our feelings. 2. 假如亨利不能随心所欲,他会很生气 。If Henry cannot get his own way, he gets very angry. 3. 他生长在富贵之家,认为凡事都可以随心所欲 。
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth; he thinks he can do what he likes. 4. 你可以随心所欲地去旅行. You can travel however you like 。. 。

