1. 关于青山年如何成为独立的人的英语作文【青山的英语怎么写】 As is known to all, how young independent adult has always been a serious problem.First of all, teenagers in adult road encounter a lot of bad temptation, it is easy to make some bad friends, bad for their physical and mental development.So teenagers admit that is the first thing to learn to make friends, to recognize who is your true friend.As an old saying goes, "when you're up your friends will know you, when you're down you know who is your friend."Second, teenagers in the path of growth has been led by the help of parents and family, so it is easy to lead to self-care ability, so teenagers want to learn to provide for oneself independently, so as。
As is known to all, how young independent adult has always been a serious problem.First of all, teenagers in adult road encounter a lot of bad temptation, it is easy to make some bad friends, bad for their physical and mental development.So teenagers admit that is the first thing to learn to make friends, to recognize who is your true friend.As an old saying goes, "when you're up your friends will know you, when you're down you know who is your friend."Second, teenagers in the path of growth has been led by the help of parents and family, so it is easy to lead to self-care ability, so teenagers want to learn to provide for oneself independently, so as to achieve independence.More importantly, the teenagers in the way of growth will inevitably encounter twists and turns, there are a lot of teenagers will be deterred by difficulties, so learn to recognize the setback to the down the yong, it is very important.The so-called successful people will take failure as a stepping stone to success. That is the reason whyFinally, to win without pride excepting is independent of the key to success.(译文:众所周知 , 青年如何独立成人一直以来都是一个严重的问题 。首先青少年在成人的道路上会遇到很多的不良诱惑 , 很容易交到一些坏朋友 , 对他们的身心发展很不利 。
所以青少年承认是首先要学会交朋友缉耿光际叱宦癸为含力 , 认清谁是你真正的朋友 。俗话说得好:”当你升高的时候你的朋友才会知道你 , 当你下落的时候你才知道谁是你朋友 。
“第二 , 青少年在成长的道路上一直由父母及家人的帮助 , 这样很容易导致青少年自理能力下降 , 所以青少年想要独立就要学会自理 , 这样才能达到自立 。更重要的是 , 青少年在成长的道路上一定会不可避免的遇到挫折与坎坷 , 有很多青少年会被困难所吓倒 , 所以学会认清挫折学会越挫越勇 , 这一点至关重要 。
所谓的成功的人会把失败当成成功路上的垫脚石就是这个道理 。最后 , 胜不骄败不馁是成功独立的关键 。)
纯手打望你采纳!满意的话记得给积分啊!!!!!!!如不满意敬请追问 。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 。
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