1. 从容坚定 英语怎么说 翻译如下
stand firm and keep cool-headed
或leisurely and firm
语境从容坚定,场域雄浑大气,透射出异于其它地域的气息和光辉 。
The context is leisurely and firm, the field is powerful and grand, transmit differenttinge and blaze than others.
2. 从容地或轻松地用英语怎么说 从容地或轻松地_有道翻译
Leisurely or easily
英 ['i?z?l?]
美 ['iz?li]
adv. 容易地;无疑地
easily 容易地,轻易,很容易地
Easily describe 不对劲,不太对劲,不大对劲
Easily understood 清晰易懂的,明了的,清楚易懂的
3. 从容地 或 轻松地 用英语怎么说 从容地 或 轻松地的英文翻译_百度翻译
从容地 或 轻松地
Calmly or easily
easily 英[?i:z?li] 美[?iz?li]
adv. 容易地; 很可能; 迅速地; 频繁地;
[例句]It could easily be another year before the economy starts to show some improvement.
4. 英语写作从容 从容Take your Time
Nowadays, people are busy with their work, they have less time to rest. Most people wake up early in the morning and then go to work all day. When they go home after work, they feel tired and sleep soon. People make themselves busy all the day, they have no time to enjoy life, now it is the time to take your time and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you.
5. 英语作文从容 When they go home after work, they feel tired and sleep soon. People make themselves busy all the day, they have no time to enjoy lifeTake your Time Nowadays. Most people wake up early in the morning and then go to work all day, people are busy with their work, they have less time to rest 。
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