
1. 快点康复的英文 怎么写 您的问题很简单 。
【康复的英文怎么写】呵呵 。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题 。
原句:快点康复翻译:Hurry up recovery知识补充:快点:hurry up;come on;be quick;chop-chop快点干make it snappy快点延时Fast drip delay快点科技PPGOU快点呼吸Breathe Quicker快点冷静u Know What媳妇快点GL请快点Speed up please快点走hurry off快点点击click fast健康:health;healthy;physique;fit;wholesome健康的healthy;wholesome;well;fit保持健康keep fit;keep healthy;stay healthy;keep in good health恢复健康pull through;come back to life;get well;auf dem Damm sein健康管理health management;managed care;Managed Care Organization;Gatekeeper physician健康促进health promotion;Outcome assessment;Workplace Health Promotion;advancing health健康生活Healthy Living;healthy life;HealthDay;Healthy Lifestyle生殖健康Reproductive Health;Fertility;sexual and reproductive health;genital health健康篇Health健康护理Health Care;healthy protecting;Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing;The MSc in Health Care百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译 。
2. 祝你早日康复英文如何写 最衷心地祝愿你早日康复 。
I want to send you my best wishes for your quick return to good health.
希望你早日康复 。
I hope you will soon recover.
近来天气变化无常,望多珍重,并衷心希望您能早日康复 。
As the weather is capricious lately,you should be very careful,and I sincerely hope you will soon get well again.
你要尽快养好身体,我们大家都很想你,愿你早日康复 。
You must hurry and get well!Everybody misses you,and we are all hoping you will be back soon.
祝你早日痊愈 。
I wish you a speedy recovery.
她住院时,我寄给她一张祝你康复慰问卡 。
I sent her a get - well card when she was in hospital.
祝你早日恢复健康 。
I hope you'll be well soon.
愿你早日康复 。
I hope you will be well soon.
邻居们都很想念你,盼望你早日康复出院 。
Everybody in the neighborhood misses you,and we're all hoping you'll be back soon.
我们衷心希望你早日恢复健康 。
We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.
3. “康复训练”用英语怎么说 rehabilitation training
英[?ri:h??b?l??te???n ?treini?]
美[?rih??b?l??te??n ?tren??]
[词典] [医] 康复训练;
[例句]Objective: To investigate the effect of early rehabilitation training for the functional recovery of acute cerebral infarction patients.
目的:探讨早期康复训练对急性脑梗塞患者功能恢复的影响 。
4. 手术康复用英语怎么说 手术康复
Surgical rehabilitation
n. 修复; 复兴; 复职; 恢复名誉;
[网络] 康复; 康复医学; 复原;
[例句]Objective To investigate the efficacies of external sticking with HeaL mouth rehabilitation membrane in traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane.
目的评估以海奥口腔修复膜行鼓膜复位贴补法治疗外伤性鼓膜穿孔的疗效 。
[其他] 形近词: prehabilitation rehabilitative rehabilitating

