1. 用英语写一种动物,动物是金鱼,10句话就可以了,开头要是我喜欢金 My favarite pet is goldfish.now let me give you a description of my goldfish.first of all,what strikes me the most is the beautiful color(s) she wear.secondly, my gold fish has a pair of bright eyes,which looks so charming and attractive.well,she also has an extrodinary body shape,always making people think that she is a spirit from the heaven.yes ,that's the appeareance of the goldfish.what's more, i found goldfish a kind of clever animal ,she can get to know the feelings and emotions of human beings.yes ,that's my goldfish and that's why i love her
另外我全篇用的都是拟人手法,用的she而不是it,我想这样效果更好 。另外,如果有句子看不懂 可以提出来,我给你分析哦 。