
1. 服饰英文怎么说 costume/?k?stju?m/ nounthe clothes worn by people from a particular place or during a particular historical period (某地或某历史时期的)服装,装束 countable uncountablethe clothes worn by actors in a play or film/movie, or worn by somebody to make them look like something else (戏剧或电影的)戏装,服装 countable uncountableclothing /?kl??e??/ clothes, especially a particular type of clothes 衣服;(尤指某种)服装 希望回答对你有帮助 。
2. 服饰英文翻译【服饰英语怎么写】 clothes: 指具体的,看的见摸的着的衣服,比如 I buy some clothes this afternoon 再如: She has a lot of clothes in my bedroomclothing: 指笼统的服装,概念的上衣服, 比如: One must wear protective clothing to enter the lab (必须穿防护服) 再如:We're collecting food and clothing for the poor. (为穷人募集吃的和穿的)cloth比较好区分,就是布料衣料clothes 和 clothing的话,好好体味这几个例句 -- 总的原则是,具体的一些衣服用clothes, 表服装这个种类或很泛的“穿的”这个概念用 clothing 。
3. “服饰”英文怎么拼 其实,可以用好几个同义词,比如:clothing,costumes,wear等,这些都可以,主要看你喜欢哪个,觉得哪个好点,我给你举几个例子吧!Taizhou free space costumes Limited(台州自由空间服饰有限公司)Yuyuan Clothing Company (裕源服饰公司)Roger Comack, 43, executive sales VP at a surf wear company(罗杰·科玛克,43岁,一家冲浪服饰公司的销售副总裁 )其实,我个人觉得,毕竟在中国还是选大家比较熟识的单词,我看过的,觉得clothing比较多点,好理解,又简单 。

