(choose to)Your uncle chose to live in the country side and not the city.10 新来的总经理秘书与公司员工相处的非常融洽 。(get on with)The new secretary got on with the employees real well.11 那个孩子梦想着长大后当一名企业家 (grow up)That child's dream is to grow up to be an entrepreneur.12 一个商人在成功之前势必要经历许多苦难和严峻的考验 (go through)A businessman must go through much trouble and pain before his/her success.13 如果你要申请某一公司的工作 , 需要先写一封求职信 。
(apply for)If you want to apply for a job at a certain company, you need to write a cover letter.14 维克多在大学三年级因肺癌而不得不退学 。(drop out)Victor was forced to dropped out during his third year of university due to lung cancer.15 财务部门的预算报告后来证明是不切合实际的 (turn out)The finace department's predictions turned out to be unrealistic.16 如果要把产品推向市场 , 花大量时间做市场调研是极其必要的 。
(spend 。doing)If we want to put a product into market, to spend time doing research is critical.17 为了挣更多的钱 , 他辞去了工作 , 开办了一家服装厂 (give up)To earn more money, he gave up his job, and opened a garment factory.18 他决定在他外出期间由副总裁负责公司业务 。
(make a decision)He made a decision to let the vice president take over the company during his absence.19 在交易时 。我们不仅要大胆 , 而且要谨慎 。
(not only but also)When doing deals. Not only do we need to be bold but also very careful.20 玛丽与他的一些同事闹翻了 。决定另找工作 。
(fall out)Mary and some of her collegues fell out. She decided to find another job.21 他盛气凌人和不讲理的态度是我大吃一惊 。(take aback)His domineering and unreasonable attitude took me aback.22 自从大学毕业进公司以来 , 他的工作进步的很快 。
(get ahead)Since he graduated from university and got into the company, he got ahead very quickly in his field of work.23 供求关系的变化会导致汇率的波动 。(lead to)The change in supply and demand will lead to the change in value of currency.24 总的来说 。
如果我们的产品或服务无人问津 , 那么我们的企业就得关门了 。(by and large)By and large. If no one is interested in our products or services, then our company would have to shut down.25 交易所里一切照常进行着 。
就像没有发现什么事似的 。(as if )Everything in the exchange place went on normally as if nothing happened.26 这家工厂引进了先进的工艺和设备以提高常量 (bring in)This factory brought in advanced techniques and equipements in order to increase production.27 他在房间里来回踱步 , 思考着这个计划 。
(back and forth)He walked around back and forth in his room, thinking about this plan.28 我们应充分利用良机 。为国家赚取更多外汇 。
(take advantage of)We should take advantage of this chance to earn more foreign currency for our country.29 玛丽的父亲找到了一份好工作 。因为他们现在的境况好转 。
(better off )Mary's father found a job with a good pay, now they are better off.30 因特网是我们的生活和工作更加便利 。(enable to )The internet enable our life and work to be more convenient.31 只有低档货出售 。
我们感到很失望 。(on offer )Only low quality products were on offer, we were very upset. 。
5. 你呢 用英语怎么说 你呢的英文翻译是What about you?
what about you
英 [hw?t ??baut ju:] 美 [hwɑt ??ba?t ju]
1. What about you? Would you like to come and live in Paris and work for me?
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