
1. on的音标 Define on: [ ?n ]
prep. 在 。之上
[计算机] 开
1. He went on with his work.
他继续他的工作 。
2. The war was on then.
那时正在打仗 。
3. The lights were all full on.
灯火通明 。
4. They are here on a three-day visit.
他们在这作为期三天的访问 。
5. The book is on the table.
书在桌子上 。
6. The strike has been on now for six weeks.
罢工至今已进行六个星期了 。
7. The doctor put me on these tablets.
医生让我服用这些药片 。
8. I'm on in five minutes.
我五分钟后上场 。