
1. 舍友的英文怎么说 舍友的英文:roommate 读音:英 ['ru?mme?t] 美 ['rummet] n. 室友 例句: 1、Patrick, how do you like your roommate? 帕特里克,你觉得你的室友怎么样? 2、Would you and your roommate like to come with me? 你和你的室友愿意跟我一起去吗? 扩展资料 近义词 1、roomie 英 ['ru?m?; 'r?m?] 美 ['rumi] n. 住在同室的人,室友 例句:You didn't return her calls, so she called your roomie, who panicked and called me. 你没有回她的电话,所以她打给你的室友,你的室友慌了,然后又打给我 。
2、chum 英 [t??m] 美 [t??m] n. 室友;密友 vi. 结为密友 例句:He's going to chum with a friend next month instead of having a room to himself. 肯尼想和他的新室友拉交情,但只取得了几分成功 。
2. 英语作文:我的舍友带翻译 It was my first day at the university. Carrying bags of luggage, I walked slowly into the dormitory building. I looked door after door for my name. At last I found it. In the room, there was already a girl making her bed.
Smiling shyly, she greeted me with "how do you do".Then, she continued her work, paying no more attention to me."What a stuck up fellow", I thought. Then I began to examine the room. It was no different from any other room I had seen.But it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.
Minutes later, I started to examine her. She was thin, short and dark. Her hair was in a completely disastrous mess like a bunch of straw. Her dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey. Well, her 2'shirt was too big for her and her trousers were a bit short, which made her look funny.Furthermore, she wore a pair of rubber scandals, which were indeed out of fashion. In a word, she did not look like a smart freshman at all. "A yokel", I concluded.
The second time she spoke, her accent told me that she was from the south. "Shall I help you to get your luggage from the ground floor?" I did not refuse since I really needed help. Wow!She was quick in action. Before I said "Thanks", she had already walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me.
"A good guy," I said to myself, "I will make friends with her. "I hurried and caught up with her.
这是我在大学的第一天 。携带行李袋,我慢慢地走到宿舍楼 。我看到我的名字后,门门 。最后我找到了它 。在房间里,已经有一个女孩让她睡觉 。
羞怯的笑容,她问我“你怎么做” 。然后,她继续她的工作,不重视我 。“你困的家伙”,我想 。然后我开始检查房间 。它是从任何其他房间,我所看到的没有什么不同 。但是它已经完全被我的新室友清理,毫无疑问 。
几分钟后,我开始对她进行检查 。她很瘦,短 。她的头发是在一个完全灾难性的像一团乱草 。把脏衣服和疲惫的表情明显的长途旅行的迹象 。嗯,她2'shirt是她和她的裤子太大,短了一点,这使她看起来很可笑 。此外,她穿一双橡胶的丑闻,这确实是过时的 。总之,她看起来不像个聪明的大一新生 。”乡下佬”,我得出的结论 。
她第二次说话口音,她告诉我,她是从南方来的 。”要我帮你从地面到您的行李吗?”我没有拒绝,因为我真的需要帮助 。哇!她很快地行动 。在我说“谢谢”,她已经走出房间,很快就在我前面 。
“不错,”我对自己说,“我会和她做朋友 。”我急忙赶上她 。
3. 怎么写和舍友和睦相处的英语作文 相互体谅、相互帮助,坦诚相待,彼此尊重 How do we get along with co-workers? We should be supportive, honest, and sincere in our company. First, we need to respect everyone who works in our company. Every employee should be treated equally. As male employees, we should not discriminate our female colleagues. In stead, we should be more understanding and open-minded when we work with them. Second, we need to be a contributor in our company. We should be capable of accomplish our projects independently; we should be able to cooperate with our co-workers harmoniously. 。