曹冲英语怎么写( 二 )

Cao Chong asked a man to lead the elephant onto a boat.When the boat stopped sinking ,the man draw a line along on the boat side. After the elephant was led away, Cao Chong had some men put stones into the boat until the water reached the line.
Cao Chong asked the men to weigh each stone from the boat and put down the number.
“Add up all the numbers and we will know the weight of the elephant.”Cao Chong said to his father with kind of pride.
6. 曹冲是如何称量大象的体重——英语作文 One possible version: How Cao Chong Had the Elephant Weighed Cao Cao was very glad to have received an elephant as a present. He wanted to know how heavy the elephant was, but there was no scale(秤) big enough to weigh such a huge creature. One 肠龚斑夹职蝗办伟暴连day, Cao Chong said to his father.“I've found a way to weigh the elephant .”Cao Chong asked a man to lead the elephant onto a boat. When the boat stopped sinking ,the man draw a line along on the boat side. After the elephant was led away, Cao Chong had some men put stones into the boat until the water reached the line. Cao Chong asked the men to weigh each stone from the boat and put down the number. “Add up all the numbers and we will know the weight of the elephant.”Cao Chong said to his father with kind of pride. 。
7. 求一篇 关于曹冲称象的初二英语作文 正文:一个小孩子称大象的故事 。
这小孩子名叫曹冲 。曹冲的父亲曹操是个大官,外国人送给他一只大象,他很想知道这只大象有多重,就叫他手下的官员想办法把大象称一称 。
这可是一件难事 。大象是陆地上最大的动物 。
怎么称法呢?那时候没有那么大的秤,人也没有那么大的力气把大象抬起来 。官员们都围着大象发愁,谁也想不出秤象的办法 。
正在这个时候,跑出来一个小孩子,站到大人面前说:“我有办法,我有办法!”官员们一看,原来是曹操的小儿子曹冲,嘴里不说,心里在想:哼!大人都想不出办法来,一个五、岁的小孩子,会有什么办法!可是千万别瞧不起小孩子,这小小的曹冲就是有办法 。他想的办法,就连大人一时也想不出来 。
他父亲就说:“你有办法快说出来让大家听听 。”曹冲说:“我称给你们看,你们就明白了 。”
他叫人牵了大象,跟着他到河边去 。他的父亲,还有那些官员们都想看看他到底怎么个称法,一起跟着来到河边 。
河边正好有只空着的大船,曹冲说:“把大象牵到船上去 。”大象上了船,船就往下沉了一些 。
曹冲说:“齐水面在船帮上划一道记号 。”记号划好了以后,曹冲又叫人把大象牵上岸来 。
这时候大船空着,大船就往上浮起一些来 。大家看着,一会儿把大象牵上船,一会儿又把大象牵下船,心里说:“这孩子在玩什么把戏呀?” 接下来曹冲叫人挑了石块32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333332643832,装到大船上去,挑了一担又一担,大船又慢慢地往下沉了 。
“行了,行了!”曹冲看见船帮上的记号齐了水面,就叫人把石块又一担一担地挑下船来 。这时候,大家明白了:石头装上船和大象装上船,那船下沉到同一记号上,可见,石头和大象是同样的重量;再把这些石块称一称,把所有石块的重量加起来,得到的总和不就是大象的重量了吗? 大家都说,这办法看起来简单,可是要不是曹冲做给大家看,大人还真想不出来呢 。
曹冲真聪明!英语:One day somebody sent Cao Cao an elephant.Cao Cao wanted to know its weight,but there was nothing big enough to weigh it on.Cao Chong told his father he could weigh the elephant if he had a big boat and a lot of heavy stones.Cao Cao and some other people were very surprised,but still he ordered his men to get everything ready.When they led the elephant down into the boat,the water came up,then Cao Chong marked the water line.Then they drove the elephant onto the bank and put the heavy stones in the boat until the water came up to the same line.At last,Cao Chong told the men to weigh each of the stones.In this way,he weighed the elephant. 。