
1. 五月十二日用英文怎么写 五月十二日的英语:May 12th
May 英 [me?] 美 [me?]
1、I had the first watch that May evening.
我第一次执行警戒任务是在那个五月的晚上 。
2、Red as fire are the flowers that bloom in May.
五月的花儿红呀么红似火 。
twelve 发音:英 [twelv] 美 [tw?lv]
num.十二; 十二个; 十二点钟; 十二岁
adj.十二的; 十二个的;
1、"Why didn't you appoint Ron twelve months ago?"—"Good question."
“你为什么12个月前不任命罗恩呢?”——“问得好 。”
2、Twelve inmates have been killed during a riot at the prison.
12名犯人在一场监狱暴乱中被杀害 。
twelfth 英[twelfθ] 美[tw?lfθ]
n. 第十二; 十二分之一;
adj. 第十二的; 第十二个的; 十二分之一的;
1、I watched the twelfth episode of Friends tonight.
今晚,我观看了《老友记》第十二集 。
2、As2010 begins, Uranus is still in Pisces and your twelfth house.
如“十月一日”可以写成 October 1
October 1st
1st October
(the) 1st of October 等
表示月份的词也可用缩略式,如 Oct. 1, 1 Oct.
但是在口语中通常只有两种读法 October (the) first或the first of October 。
2、日期与星期排列时,通常是星期在前,日期在后 。
如:He arrived on Friday, May 10.
他于5月10日(星期五)到达 。
以-first结尾的,写成数字就要加st 。如:thirty-first,31st
以-second结尾的,写成数字就要加nd 。如:twenty-second, 22nd
以-third结尾的,写成数字就要加rd 。如:thirty-third, 33rd
2. 以五月十二写英语作文 Time of Beijing of 2008 May 12, 14 hours 28 minutes 04 seconds, in China's Sichuan Province Wenchuan County in the territory, 8.0 earthquake occurred. Wenchuan earthquake, the shock of China. An increasing number of the victims of the Wenchuan earthquake. Behind every numbers are a fresh life. Life is so fragile, turn fleeting. When the earthquake struck, buildings, houses 。
3. 以五月十二写英语作文 In 2008, May 12th, at 14:28 in the afternoon, Sichuan County, Wenchuan earthquake, magnitude 8. Numerous casualties this sudden disaster to the people of Sichuan is undoubtedly a thunderbolt, when they come to know when the earthquake occurred, many people have been trapped under the ruins of the building, the Sichuan government immediately send in thousands of firefighters, police, special police officers quickly came to the rescue, but the disaster did not imagine so simple, the earthquake was shallow earthquake, earthquake to the majority of the region brought about a loss, from time to time of aftershocks, collapsed buildings blocked from the road, the governor of Sichuan province know the seriousness of the matter immediately to the border to help support.In the evening, TV news broadcast the Wenchuan disaster, many provinces and cities have the sent to support and transport the large amounts of water, food and money. All of this makes them feel love, in the earthquake, many families were broken, many children have become orphans, many touching stories.A few days ago I saw the ruins of the ruins of a scene so that my heart can not help but for the shock!Rescue workers in the ruins, found her, she was already dead, crushed by the collapsed house, through the pile of rubble can see her death posture, on his knees, the entire upper body is crawling forward, hands holding her body, like some ancient worship, but the body was deformed by the pressure, some look strange. Rescuers from reaching into the ruins of the gap and confirmed her death, and shouted at the ruins, with a crowbar in knocked on the bricks, there is no any response. When people go to the next building, rescue the captain suddenly ran back, shouting "come on." he came to her body, easily reached into the woman's body under exploration, he touched the shouting, "someone, a child, still alive. After some efforts, people careful Put blocked with her ruins cleaning, in her body lying below her child, th 。