
1. 梦的英语怎么写 梦的英文:dream
英 [dri:m] 美 [drim]
vt.& vi.做梦,向往
1、I had a vivid dream about my old school.
我做了一个非常逼真的梦,梦见了我的母校 。
2、I thought someone came into the bedroom, but it was just a dream.
我还以为有人进了卧室,结果只是一场梦 。
英 [?na?tme?(r)] 美 [?na?tmer]
He still has nightmares about the accident.
他仍然做噩梦梦见这场事故 。
二、horrible dream
英 [?h?r?bl dri:m] 美 [?h?r?b?l drim]
The years in prison were a horrible dream.
监狱里的那些年是一场噩梦 。
2. 用英文写一写自己的梦 Everyone has his dream.My dream is to be a famous journalist in the future.When I grow up,I'm going to be a journalist.Next year,I'm going to write articles for magazines and newspapers.I'm going to a university in Beijing after senior school.Maybe I'm going to find a part-time job and save some money.Next,I'm going to work for a TV station as a journalist.Then I'm going to travel all over the world.What is your dream in the future?Would you like to tell me
3. 梦 英文单词怎么写 dream 名词 n.
1. 梦[C]
I had a bad dream last night.
昨天夜里我做了一个噩梦 。2. 白日梦[C] 3. 幻想,空想[S1]
Sophie lives in a dream.
索菲生活在梦幻之中 。4. 理想,愿望[C]
He realized the dream of his life time.
他实现了他毕生的愿望 。5. 【口】梦一般美妙的人,美妙之事[C]
His new sports car is a dream to drive.
他的新赛车开起来好极了 。
【你的梦英文怎么写】及物动词 vt.
1. 做(梦)[+a 。dream];梦见[+(that)]
She dreamed that she could fly.
她梦见她会飞 。
Annie dreamed an extraordinary dream last night.
安妮昨晚做了个奇特的梦 。2. 想像,幻想 3. (常用在否定句和疑问句)想到,料到[+(that)]
I never dreamed that he would be so ungrateful.
我做梦也没有想到他会如此忘恩负义 。
不及物动词 vi.
1. 做梦;梦见,梦到[(+of/about)]
I dreamed about my native village.
我梦见我的家乡 。
Mary once dreamed of God.
玛丽有一次梦见了上帝 。2. 梦想;向往[(+of/about)]
He dreamed of becoming a movie star when he was young.
他年轻时向往着成为电影明星 。3. (常用在否定句和疑问句)想到;料到[(+of)]
I wouldn't dream of hurting you.
我做梦也不会想到伤害你 。
形容词 a. [Z]
1. 如梦的;理想的
4. 梦 英文怎么写 怎么读啊 梦 [mèng]
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to dream
dream state dream sweven
他梦想着过体面的生活 。
He dreamed of living in decent conditions.
他们的新房子真像梦一般美好 。
Their new house is a real dream.
我女儿喜欢给我讲她那些奇怪的梦 。
My daughter likes to describe her fantastic dreams to me.