还要英语怎么写的( 二 )

21到30的英语:twenty-one、twenty-two、twenty-three、twenty-four、twenty-five、twenty-six、twenty-seven、twenty-eight、twenty-nine、thirty 。31到40的英语:thirty-one、thirty-two、thirty-treethirty-four、thirty-five、thirty-six、thirty-seven、thirty-eight 、thirty-nine、forty 。
41到50的英语:forty-one、forty-two、forty-three、forty-four、forty-five、forty-six、forty-seven、forty-eight、forty-nine、fifty-one 。扩展资料:英语中各种数字的表达1、数词的种类 数词有基序数和序数词两类 。
基数词表示数量的大小,如one, two, three, four等 。序数词表示序数,如first, second, third, fourth等 。
数词与不定代词、冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词等被称作限定词 。2、基数变序数(1)第1至第19一般是在基数词后加th,但变化特殊的有one—first, two—second, three—third, eight—eighth, nine—ninth, five—fifth, twelve—twelfth 。
(2)逢十的twenty, thirty…ninety,分别改y为ieth 。如twenty—twentieth, ninety—ninetieth 。
(3)表示第几十几或第几百几十几,只需将个位数改为序数词 。如56—fifty-six—fifty-sixth,635—six hundred and thirty-five—six hundred and thirty-fifth3、基数词读写(1)三位数的读写法:个位与十位之间用连字符“-”;百位与十位之间加and;十位为零时也要加and 。
如:365读作three hundred and six-five605读作six hundred and five(2)大于三位数的读写法:从个位起每三位打一个撇号“'”,第一个撇号读thousand,第二个撇号读million,各撇号之间的数按三位及三位以下的数的读法读 。如:23, 589读作twenty-three thousand five hundred and eighty-nine6, 632, 900读作six million six hundred and thirty-two thousand nine hundred28, 000, 000读作twenty-eight million4、序数词与冠词(1)序数词前一般要加定冠词the 。
如:It's the third time I've been here.这是我第三次到这里来 。(2)表示在原有的基础上增加,即“又一,再一”时,用不定冠词 。
如:Shall I ask her a third time? 我还要问她一次吗?5、数词语法功能(1)作主语:The second was better.第二个好些 。(2)作表语:She was second in her class.她在班上是第二名 。
【还要英语怎么写的】(3)作宾语:I was among the first to arrive.我是第一批到的 。(4)作定语:There are fifty states in the US.美国有五十个州 。
5. 用英语写一篇文章,还要有翻译 There are many people around me,but I love my mother best.
My mother is my friend.She always plays basketball with me,watches TV with me and also studies with me. I have problems in study ,she always helps me work out the problems. And she helps me memorize the knowledge every morning when I eat breakfast. She teachs me how to get on well with others,how to be polite to old people and how to face the difficulties. She helps me become a good boy!
Thanks for her love!I will try my best to help her do housework, I will try my best to study well to cheer her up, and I will also try my best to protect her when I grow up.
Thank you mom, you are the person that I love best in the world,I won't let you down in the future!
我周围有很多人,但是我最爱我的妈妈 。
我妈妈是我的朋友,她总是和我一起打球,陪我看电视和陪我一起学习 。每次我在学习终于到难题,她总会帮我解答 。每天清晨吃早饭的时候她总是帮我一起背书 。她教我如何与别人相处融洽,对老人有礼貌和勇敢面对困难 。她帮助我成长为一个更好的人 。
谢谢妈妈对我的爱 。我会尽我最大的努力帮她做家务,好好学习使她欣慰,等我长大以后也要尽我所能地保护她 。
6. 我最喜爱的老师写一篇英语小短文怎么写 Miss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her. My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou's class, when she finds this, she doesn't blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works. Miss Hou is my favorite teacher.