1. 雪梨的英文怎么写 “雪梨”的英文翻译是:snow pear
1. 相关短语:
雪梨港湾大桥 Sydney Harbour Bridge
雪梨博物馆 Museum of Sydney
雪梨国际赛 Sydney International
雪梨足球场 Sydney Football Stadium
【雪梨英文怎么写】雪梨唐人街 Chinatown
西雪梨大学 University of Western Sydney ; UWS ; University of Western Sydney Nepean
2. 例句:
最后,压轴菜终于来了,又脆又嫩的中国雪梨炸过之后填到酥皮里面,真是神奇 。
Finally, the actual meal-ender: a tender, subtle Chinese snow pear deep-fried in a beignet-like crust. Magic.
1977年,这对熊姐妹出生在美国科罗拉多斯普林斯,在它们还是幼崽时被送到澳大利亚,并于1985年来到雪梨定居 。
The sisters, born in Colorado Springs in the United States in 1977, were tiny cubs when theymoved to Australia. They have been in Sydney since 1985.
梨子已经熟透,纷纷掉来做成了普洛赛克鸡尾酒和雪梨翻转塔,而李子和青梅更是大大满足了我们的挑剔胃口 。
Pears have been tumbling to the ground in ripeness and been converted into Proseccococktails and pear tatins, while the plums and greengages are outdoing even our appetites.
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