吸毒英语怎么写( 二 )

3. 有关吸毒危害的英语作文 The grownups in your life have probably told you that you aren't allowed to have alcoholic drinks, such as beer or wine. But what do kids think about this issue? KidsHealth wanted to know, so we asked 690 kids ages 9 to 13. Most kids said teens who drink alcohol are not cool. More than 90% of the kids said they are very uncool (86%) or uncool (6%). And 89% of kids said that drinking alcohol at their age (9 to 13) was never OK. That shows that a lot of kids are pretty smart about the dangers of alcohol. They probably know that it's risky for kids to drink alcohol because: t can make them sick (like making them throw up, pass out, or worse). It can hurt their ability to make good decisions. It can make them do things that are embarrassing. It can get them into trouble (with parents or police). It can be addictive, meaning that the person might start needing alcohol to feel good. 。
4. 关于毒品问题的英语翻译 1. When is the date of world's drug prohibition?
2. Harm of drugs
3. Kinds of drugs
4. Drug will bring the harm to the society and families.
5. What is the view of taking drug among celebrities?
6. How do you know about the movies related to drug?
7. Please write down the saying, which you know best, about the drug.
8. Will you accept druggies?
9. How do you know about crimes related to drugs?
10. How can you avoid contacting drugs?
翻译完了,呵呵 。这是我自己翻译的 。
希望对楼主有帮助 。
5. 快来一篇英语作文有关(毒品)的啊 Drugs not only caused great damage to the body, but also to become drug addicts drug slaves, he
Health sole objective is to seek to obtain drugs, thereby becoming disregard family, devoid of humanity, morals, or even access to the drugs, take risks and commit crimes against the community.
You want drugs swallowed their own self-esteem, inhumane? You want drugs destroy your family, brought suffering to you? You want drugs ruin our hard-won achievements in reform, let us repeat poor and backward country to be defined as the "sick man of East Asia" mistakes? If your answer is no, then you stay away from drugs is the best option.
Weihen the deceased, living remorse, family Lisu, criminal offenders before the confession, which gave us a warning: Make life to drugs.

