
1. 英语作文吸毒带翻译高一 远离毒品,珍爱生命 当今环球,几无净土,茫茫人海,毒品无穷 。毒品,犹如一股浊流,悄然地侵袭每-处角落 。不仅如此,毒品,还像可怕的恶魔,是它夺走了我们一切 。对于我们一个小学生来说毒品是一种危害性极大的东西,只要听到“毒品”这个词,就会使人毛骨悚然 。
一提到毒品,人们闻而生畏,因为毒品之毒猛于毒蛇恶虎 。如果-个人染上了吸毒后 。没有了脱胎换骨的决心和毅力,想戒毒是不可能的了 。
毒品不仅对躯体造成巨大的损害,还使吸毒成为毒品的奴隶,他 们生唯一目标就是设法获得毒品,从而变得不顾亲情,人性泯灭,道德沦丧,甚至为获取毒资铤而走险,违法犯罪,危害社会 。
你想让毒品吞噬自已的自尊,灭绝人性吗?你想让毒品毁你的家庭,给你送来痛苦吗?你想让毒品葬送我们来之不易的改革成果,让我们国家重蹈贫穷落后被人指为“东亚病夫”的覆辙吗?假如你的答复是否定的,那么,远离毒品是你最好的选择 。
Stay away from drugs, cherish life in today's global, with few land, the vast sea of humanity, drug infinite. Drugs, like a muddy stream, quietly invasion each corner. Not only that, drugs, like a devil, it took us all. For one of our pupils drugs is a great danger of things, as long as I heard the term "drugs", will make a person creepy.
The mention of drugs, people smell and daunting, because drug poison is fiercer than a tiger snake. If a person infected with drug after. Without thoroughly to remould oneself determination and perseverance, to drug treatment is not possible.
【吸毒英语怎么写】Drugs not only caused great damage to the body, but also to become drug addicts drug slaves, his health sole objective is to seek to obtain drugs, thereby becoming disregard family, devoid of humanity, morals, or even access to the drugs, rush into danger, crime, social harm.
You want drugs swallowed their own self-esteem, inhuman? You want drugs destroy your family, brought suffering to you? You want drugs ruin our hard won achievements in reform, let us repeat poor and backward country is referred to as the "sick man of East Asia" mistakes? If your answer is no, then, stay away from drugs is the best choice for you.
The grudge, living remorse, family Lisu, criminal offenders before the confession, which gave us a warning: cherish life, to refuse drugs
2. 谁能帮我写一篇关于青少年吸毒的英语文章啊 As can be seen from the graph, there have been sharp changes in the age distribution of drug addicts. To be concrete, the teenage addicts only made up 10 percent of all the drugsters in 1982 while the ratio rose up to 65 in 2002.
The causes for them are not hard to find. First , teenagers' fearless curiosity about everything new has led some of them into this marsh. Second, many of the young addicts turned for the first time to drugs for escape either from their failure in the national entrance exams or from their parents' breakup. And above all, our education in the harmfulness of drugs has been far from adequate to build teenagers' sound resistance to drugs. To sum up, the causes mentioned above must call for more of our concern, and effective measures should be taken to check the trend.
Obviously the drastic change will exert great impact on individuals and the whole society.
For one thing, drug-taking does great damage to the health of drug users.. For another, some drug users commit robbery or even murder their parents and relatives to get money to buy drugs, which poses a great threat to the social security and the social stability. Therefore, it is high time we did something to put an end to this trend.