
1. "再"的怎么用英文翻译 再 [zài]
【再次英文怎么写】[ 国标码:D4D9 部首:冂 笔画:6 笔顺:125211 ]
second re- again once more another
any more any longer anew deintegro yet again yet once anymore
请再说一遍 。
Say that again, please.
要是我再有一次机会就好了 。
If only I had another chance.
很高兴再次见到你 。
I'm glad to see you again.
海词广告: 学外语 , 交外国真朋友 全棉浴巾毛巾三件99元
? Dict.CN 在线词典 更多解释句酷双语例句

Anyhow there'll be no rent to pay and no novelettes to write.
总之 , 不用再付房租 , 也不用再写小说了 。
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
without further delay
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
After much heart-searching they decided to separate.
他们考虑再叁之后 ,  决定分开.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
Can I give you (ie Would you like) another slice of cake?
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
Colonel Brandon again repeated his sorrow.
布兰登上校再一次表示抱歉 。
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
Further delay would cause a lot of complication.
再耽误将造成许多困难 。
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
He is always exhorting us to work harder for a lower salary.
((讽刺))他总是劝我们为了再低的薪水也得更卖力地工作 。
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
He is determined to delay no more.
他下决心不再拖延 。
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
He made up his mind never to touch a drop of drink.
他决心不再喝酒 。
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
However sly a fox may be, it is no match for a good hunter.
狐狸再狡猾也架不住好猎手 。
2. 请再次用英文翻译~谢谢 1.上帝 , 请把我带走 , 我不一定要求去天堂、God, please take me away, but I don't have to go to heaven!2.今天跟朋友玩微信玩了整整一天 , 笑声不断 , 但是又觉得时间过得太快 。
I have been playing micro letter with my friend for a whole day and we were never stop laughing, but I also felt that how quick the time had went by! 3.刚刚真的笑死我了 , 我们打算自己在家吃火锅 , 然后Tina和BB出去买菜了 , 她们刚刚回来真的笑死我了 , BB把酒饼当成是肉丸了 , 还给我买了一斤回来 , 更好笑的是连Tina居然都以为那是肉丸 。哈哈哈 。
我们几个笑得瘫在地上了、I have just almost laughed myself to death! We decided to have barbecue at home, then Tina and BB went out shopping. They just came home and made me laugh so hard. BB had mistaken the yeast as meatballs , also had bought home a whole catty! The more laughable thing was that Tina also thought they were meatballs too 。ha ha ha 。
we laughed so hard and rolled on the floor together.4.对不起 , 我对着天花板痛哭 , 却找不到要原谅自己的理由 。我知道你此刻一定很伤心 , 伤心得想马上飞回来把我杀掉了 。
So sorry, I am facing the ceiling to cry but just couldn't think of a reason to forgive myself. I know you must be very upset at this very moment. So upset that you might want to fly home and kill me right now!5.两年前我还躺在学校的破公寓里面 ,  听着金属音乐能安然入睡 ,  直到右耳听力下降了许多.那时候全然没有对生活的感情 ,  总觉得自己活在另一个世界 ,  对一切都很排斥 , 其实我想说的是 , 我现在也是这样生活着 。I was still lying in the school's old department two years ago, listening to the heavy metal music and can still fall into sleep until my right ear had lost a bit of hearing. At that moment, I had completely lost my interests and passion of my life. Only felt that I was in another world, disagreeing with everything. Actually, what I want to say is, I am still living like that! 6.不要再用强硬的表情对待我了 , 好吗 , 要哭就哭 , 要笑就笑 , 如果你真的那么伤心的话 , 请你狠狠打我一顿 , 如果你真的那么痛恨的话 , 请你就把我杀了吧、Please stop showing me your stubbornness, all right? If you want laugh then laugh, if you want to cry then cry! If you are really that upset then please beat me up! If you really hate that much then please kill me! 7.当年纪到了某一种程度 , 会越来越难接受自己的错误 。