
1. 可怜的英文怎么写 pitiful
pitiful children 可怜的孩子
1、令人同情的;可怜的 。deserving or causing you to feel pity
2、卑微的;卑鄙的 。not deserving respect
二、【派生词】pitifully adv
The dog was whining pitifully.
那条狗可怜巴巴地哀叫着 。
She was pitifully thin.
她瘦骨嶙峋,令人怜悯 。
The fee is pitifully low.
同义词:pitiful piteous pitiable
1、pitiful adj. 令人同情的,可怜的
指外表或经历令人同情的 。
The refugees whose houses were ruined in the tsunami were a pitiful sight.
这些难民的房屋在海啸中被毁,看上去真可怜 。
2、piteous adj. [文]可怜的,让人怜悯的
指表达苦难或悲伤的方式让人心生怜悯的 。
Why did she give a long piteous cry?
3、pitiable adj. [正式]令人怜悯的,可怜的
指让人心生怜悯、值得同情的 。
Women and children are prone to become pitiable victims of war.
妇女和儿童很容易成为可怜的战争受害者 。
2. 可怜的英文怎么写 1. pitiful
wretchedness | lamentableners | ruefulness | pity | painfulness | sorriness | wretched | abjectness | miserable | miserableness
1. 那个病人处于一种非常可怜的状况 。
The patient was in a pitiful condition.
2. 他同情那些无家可归的可怜人 。
He has sympathy for those homeless wretches.
3. 她看上去又可怜又孤独,对于答应来看她的朋友的到来已不抱希望 。
She looked wretched and forlorn, despairing of the arrival of a friend who had promised to meet her.
4. 你这个可怜虫!
You miserable worm!
5. 哦天哪,你这个可怜的人儿 。
Oh dear, I am ever so sorry.
6. 我不能不可怜他 。
I cannot but pity him.
7. 我可怜这位老人 。
I feel pity for the old man.
8. 你应该可怜他 。
You should take pity on him.
【可怜的单词怎么写】可怜的小孩:the pitiful child