
1. 请问“出轨”用英语怎么表达 看情况哦,如果是已婚的出轨,可以用 have an affair.表示外面有人了 。
例句:He had an affair.他外面有人了 。
如果知道是和谁出轨,可以用have an affair with somebody.
例如:He had an affair with Mary.他与Mary有一腿 。
另外,情侣之间的出轨表达为cheat on someone.意思是他劈腿了 。
例如:He cheated on me.
dump somebody表示甩掉某人 。
例如:Peter dumped me.(Peter甩了我)
2. “外遇”用英语怎么说【出轨英文怎么写】 affair 1.音标 英 [??fe?(r)] 美 [??fer] 2.含义 事务;风流韵事;事情,事件;个人的事,私事 3.例句 She was having an affair with someone at work. 她跟某一同事有染 。
He does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of another country 他不想干涉别国内政 。He was rational and consistent in the conduct of his affairs 他处理私事时头脑清楚,始终如一 。
If you wish to make a fool of yourself, that is your affair 如果你想让自己出丑,那是你自己的事 。The affair began when customs officials inspected a convoy of 60 tankers 就在海关关员检查一个60艘油轮的船队时,事情发生了 。

